Please note all charges listed in this schedule are GST inclusive unless otherwise stated.

Resource Management Act 1991

Resource Consent Processing and Monitoring, Designations, Plan Changes, all other activities under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) will attract an initial charge (deposit) payable at the time of lodging an application as per Section 1 below.

Where the cost of processing the consent is not fully covered by the initial fixed charge (deposit), additional charges will be applied (under Section 36(5) of the RMA). Only additional charges can be objected to under Section 357B of the RMA.

Section 2 below lists the various methods of how costs may be charged to a consent.

1. Initial fixed charges (deposits)


Current Charge

Proposed charge


All activities (other than listed below)




Subdivision 1-3 lots

Subdivision 4 plus lots






Bore permits;
Certificate of Compliance;
Change of consent notice;
Culverts, weirs and other minor structures on the bed of watercourses;
Existing Use Certificate;
Extension of lapsing period;
Fast track consents (controlled status only);
Flats Plan update and check;
Outline Plan approvals;
Relocate building;
Removal or trimming of trees listed in the Nelson Resource Management Plan (supported and carried out by a suitably qualified arborist);
Right of Way approval;
Simple consent process;
Transfer/part transfer of Permits




Issue of a notice confirming a boundary (or a marginal or temporary) activity is a permitted activity (no additional charges or refunds apply)




NOTIFIED APPLICATIONS: Additional charges for applications requiring notification/ limited notification.
(This charge must be paid prior to notifying the application and is in addition to the initial charge paid when the application is lodged).




Removal of trees listed in the Nelson Resource Management Plan that are confirmed in writing by a qualified arborist (level 5 NZQA or equivalent), as diseased or a threat to public safety.

No charge

No charge


Heritage Buildings: Non-notified application to conserve and restore heritage building, place or object listed in the Nelson Resource Management Plan.

No charge

No charge


Private Plan changes (Note: Council’s policy is to recover 95% of the costs involved for the whole process from the applicant).




Heritage Orders



1.10 Where an application involves multiple consents the initial charge is payable at the higher rate plus $255.00 for each accompanying application.

1.11 Where all or part of any initial charge (deposit) is not paid at application time, the Council reserves the right to not process that application.

2. Costs Charged to a Consent

(less the initial fixed sum of money paid in accordance with section 1 above)


Current charge

Proposed charge


Council Staff – all staff time inclusive of overhead component associated with processing and assessing applications.

$170 per hour

$197 per hour


Hearings Panel Charges:

- per Councillor as Commissioner (rate set by Remuneration Authority)

$80 per hour

$93 per hour

- Councillor as Chairperson (rate set by Remuneration Authority)

$100 per hour

$116 per hour

- Independent Commissioner (requested by applicant)



- Independent Commissioner (requested by submitter)

Cost less Councillor rate (applicant pays the Councillor rate)

Cost less Councillor rate (applicant pays the Councillor rate)

- Independent Commissioner(s) required for expertise or due to conflict of interest issues




Legal advisors and consultants engaged by Council, or reports commissioned, after discussion with the applicant, to provide expertise not available in-house under s.92(2) RMA.

Cost plus administration charges

Cost plus administration charges


Experts and consultants engaged by Council to undertake assessment of an application where the complexity of the application necessitates external expertise, or where resource consent processing is required to be outsourced due to conflict of interest issues (this is not a s92(2) RMA commissioning).

Cost plus administration charges

Cost plus administration charges


All disbursements, such as telephone calls, courier delivery services, all public notification costs, postage for notified applications and document copying charges.

Cost plus administration charges

Cost plus administration charges


Consultants engaged by the Council where skills are normally able to be provided by in-house staff or when Council staff workloads are unusually high.

$170 per hour

$197 per hour


Urban Design Panel reviews a proposal before a resource consent application is lodged (except for circumstances identified in 2.8 below).

No charge

No charge


The applicant agrees (as per 2.3 above) to the Urban Design Panel reviewing the proposal after a resource consent application is lodged; or

Cost plus administration charges

(an estimate of costs is available on request)

Cost plus administration charges

(an estimate of costs is available on request)


Where the applicant requests under s357AB independent commissioner(s) for an objection under s357A(1)(f) or (g), the applicant will meet the costs for that hearing.

Cost plus administration charges

Cost plus administration charges

Monitoring Charges

2.11.1 If monitoring is required, a one-off charge of $197.00 will be invoiced as part of the consent cost. Any extra work that is required to monitor compliance with the consent conditions will be charged at the hourly charge out rate for Council staff in 2.1 above and separately invoiced.

2.11.2 Monitoring charges associated with review of information required to be provided by a condition of resource consent will be charged for at the appropriate hourly charge out rate for Council staff or actual cost for specialist consultant.

2.11.3 Where the applicant is required or authorised to monitor the activity, the Council’s costs in receiving and assessing the monitoring information will be charged directly to the consent holder at the appropriate hourly charge out rate for Council staff or actual cost of the specialist involved.

2.11.4 Where permitted activity monitoring is able to be charged under legislative provisions (such as the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry), the time taken by Monitoring Officers will be invoiced at the hourly charge out rate for Council staff in 2.1 above.

2.11.5 Where annual monitoring is required up to half an hour of staff time per year, a higher initial monitoring fixed fee up front may be charged, or the consent may identify regular intervals when monitoring charges will be invoiced calculated on anticipated staff time multiplied by a stated number of years for these types of consents.

Administration Charges


Current charge

Proposed charge


Insurance levy – for each resource consent.




Street naming and numbering (costs of reporting to Hearings Panel and advising all statutory agencies).

Council hourly charge out rate in 2.1 above

Council hourly charge out rate in 2.1 above


Street numbering – application for alteration.




Documents for execution – removal of building line restrictions; easement documents, caveats, covenants and other documents to be registered with LINZ presented after subdivision processed or where not associated with a subdivision application.




Certificate under Overseas Investment Act.




Confirmation of compliance with the Nelson Resource Management Plan for NZ Qualifications Authority.




Confirmation of compliance with the Nelson Resource Management Plan for alcohol licence applications.




Section 357 Administration charge.




Private right-of-way – review against existing names and advising all statutory agencies where appropriate.




Authentication report for small-scale solid-fuel burning appliance or open fire.




Removal of designation.




Swing Mooring annual charge (monitoring costs are additional, refer 2.10.3 above).




Transfer of Consents to new owner (S.135(1)(a), S.136(1), S.136(2)(a), or S.137(2)(a) Resource Management Act)




Claiming a swing mooring the Council removed from the Coastal Marine Area that did not have a coastal permit




Claiming a vessel that was towed and hauled out of the Coastal Marine Area as it was tied to a non- consented mooring that was uplifted

Cost for tow and haul out

Cost for tow and haul out

Discount for Late Consents

2.13.1 Where statutory processing timeframes have not been met a discount of 1% of the total of the administrative charges imposed for every working day on which the application remains unprocessed beyond the time limit, up to a maximum of 50 working days will apply.

3. Invoicing

3.1 Where processing costs exceed the level of the initial charge (deposit), monthly invoices for any additional charges may be sent to the applicant.

3.2 Annual swing mooring charges shall be due on 1 December. The initial payment is due within 30 days of the mooring being installed. Moorings installed 1 December to 1 June will incur the full annual charge. Moorings installed from 1 June to 30 November will be charged half of the annual charge. The Council reserves the right to agree to other arrangements in writing.

3.3 The Council has no obligation to perform any action on any application until the charges for the action have been paid in full; such payment will be required by the 20th of the month following invoice.

3.4 Where any interim invoice is disputed, work on processing the application will be stopped until the matter is resolved at the discretion of the Manager Consents and Compliance.

3.5 The option of monthly invoices only, in lieu of initial charges, may be available on strict credit conditions as follows:

a) The consent process, or Council involvement in the project, is likely to extend over a period in excess of 6 months; and

b) The total amount for invoices is likely to exceed $5,000; and

c) The applicant is in good financial standing with a satisfactory credit record and agrees to abide by the Council’s usual credit terms or

d) The applicant is a regular customer of the Council’s Resource Consents Business Unit, is in good financial standing with no record of unpaid invoices, who agrees to pay each and every invoiced charge by the 20th of the month following the date of issue of the invoice.

Any disputes relating to an invoiced charge must be resolved after the invoice has been paid. Failure to meet these criteria will result in the option of monthly invoices, in lieu of initial charges plus monthly invoices being withdrawn.

The decision on whether to waive the required charge and institute a system of monthly invoicing shall be made by the Manager Consents and Compliance or Group Manager Environmental Management, having regard to the above criteria.

4. Pre-Application Charges
Detail Charge

Pre-application discussion with staff on feasibility of a proposal that may not proceed to resource consent.

First half hour – no charge. Additional time charged on an hourly basis at the Council charge out rate as per 2.1.

5. Resource Management Planning Documents

Copies of Plans


Nelson Resource Management Plan - Text (hard copy)


Nelson Resource Management Plan - Maps (hard copy)


CD ROM – combined Nelson Resource Management Plan and Nelson Air Quality Plan – updated annually in Spring

$15 annually

Nelson Resource Management Plan - hard copy updates issued as required

$25 annually for text

$25 annually for maps

Nelson Air Quality Plan


Land Development Manual


Annual Environmental Science and Monitoring Charges

Annual charges shall be due on 1 October or on the 20th of the month following the date of invoicing, whichever is the later, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Council. No charge will apply when a consent is deemed by the Council as not currently given effect to and the ability to give effect is not currently present.

In the case of consents for temporary or short-term activities, charges shall only apply once the consent is given effect to, and only for the year/s the activity occurs, until the activity is completed, and not from the date of issue of the consent.


Existing charge

Proposed charge from 1 July 2023
(7.2% CPI increase rounded down)

Air discharge - small (eg abrasive blasting; commercial wood-fired pizza ovens)



Air discharge - medium (appliances <1000kW)



Air discharge - large (appliances >1000kW)



Discharge to land or water <20m3/day


Recommend charge is revoked

Discharge to land or water 20 -100m3/day



Discharge to land or water >100m3/day



Gravel/sand extraction <2000m3/annum



Gravel/sand extraction 2000m-10,0003/annum



Gravel/sand extraction >10,0003/annum



Quarry/other earthworks



Earthworks from subdivision



Forestry/woodlot harvest <100ha



Forestry harvest >100-200ha



Forestry harvest >200ha



Works in river/stream bed



Water take surface water <5 l/s, or groundwater




Water take surface water 5-25 l/s, or groundwater 100,000 - 200,000m3/year



Water take surface water >25 l/s - <60 l/s, or groundwater > 200,000 m3 - <400,000m3/year



Water take surface water >60 l/s, or groundwater > 400,000 m3/year



Coastal consents (other than takes or discharges)






Food Act 2014


Current charge

Proposed charge

New Registration
Food control plan

$267 initial fee

Plus $170 per hour after the first 1½ hours

$300 initial fee

Plus $187 per hour after the first 1½ hours

New Registration
National programme

$170 initial fee

Plus $170 per hour after the first hour

$204 initial fee

Plus $187 per hour after the first hour


$85 initial fee

Plus $170 per hour after the first ½ hour

$102 initial fee

Plus $187 per hour after the first ½ hour

Amendment to Registration

$85 initial fee

Plus $170 per hour after the first ½ hour

$102 initial fee

Plus $187 per hour after the first ½ hour

Voluntary suspension

$85 initial fee

Plus $170 per hour after the first ½ hour

$102 initial fee

Plus $187 per hour after the first ½ hour


$170 per hour

$187 per hour


$170 per hour

$187 per hour

(where there is compliance)

No charge

No charge

Fees under the Navigation Safety Bylaw



2022/23 fee

Proposed 2023/24 fee

Marina Berths

Annual Licence

Fee per metre LOA of vessel or part thereof per annum, or berth size, whichever is the greater (GST excl).



(10% increase)

Annual Licence Pile Mooring

Per metre LOA of vessel (GST excl).



(10% increase)

Temporary Berth

Per metre LOA of vessel, or part thereof per day. The charge applies only to those waiting for an imminent permanent berth. No living aboard allowed. No long term availability (GST excl).



(20% increase)


Multi-hull vessels in designated berths will be charged at 1.5 - 2.0 x single berth rate for a vessel of the same size, plus GST. The applicable rate will be determined by the Marina Supervisor on length and width of vessel or berth whichever is the greater.

1.5 - 2.0 x single berth rate

1.5 - 2.0 x single berth rate

Commercial Recreational Berths

Commercial Recreational Berths

A commercial or charter berth or storage park, if

provided, shall be charged at a rate per metre (GST excl).



(10% increase)

Live Aboard Charges

Live Aboard Charge

Per month plus annual mooring fee to licensed live-aboard vessels (excl GST).



(10% increase)

Marina Berths – Visitor Rates

Less than 14 metres:

Per day (incl GST)*



(20% increase)

14 metres to 18 metres

Per day (incl GST)*

New Charge


18 metres - 20 metres:

Per day (incl GST)*



(20% increase)

More than 20 metres

Per metre of vessel per day (incl GST).



(No change)


Charged at 1.5 - 2.0 x single berth visitor Rate (incl GST).

1.5 - 2.0 x single berth

1.5 - 2.0 x single berth


Surcharge per person, per day, will apply where a vessel is carrying more than two persons over the age of ten years. The surcharge will apply only to the additional persons carried.



(No change)

Public Boat Ramp

Annual Launching Permit, valid until 30 June

1 July – 30 June (incl GST)


(20% increase)

1 Oct - 30 June (incl GST)


(20% increase)

1 Jan – 30 June (incl GST)


(20% increase)

1 Apr – 30 June (incl GST)


(20% increase)

Casual use

Per launch, pay at meters (incl GST)


(20% increase)

Fees under the Urban Environments Bylaw


Burial Plots

2022/23 Fees


(Proposed increase of 20%)

Adult Plot



Child Plot (1 – 12)



Infant Plot - up to 1 year including stillborn

No charge

No change

Ash Plots

Lawn Ash Plot



Standard Ash Plot (up to two urns)



Family Ash Plot (up to eight urns)



Plaque Only Plot



Burial Interments

Adult Burial



Child Burial

(1-12 years)



Infant burial

(up to 1 year including stillborn)









Ashes Interments

Ash Interment



Ash Interment - Double

New fee

$393 (70% of double interment)

Ash Disinterment



Weekend additional fee on any plot (Sat and Sun, 10am – 2pm)



Additional Fees

Out of District– Non-Nelson Resident (Burial Plot)



Out of District – Non-Nelson Resident (Ash Plot)



Weekend Burial



Weekend Ash interment



Public Holiday – Ash Interment



Public Holiday – Burial



Late fee p/hr



Transfer of interest: For transfer of interest in any purchase of exclusive right of burial in any plot.



Approval of installation of plaque: Plaques are to meet the Council's specifications and bylaws.



Records: Genealogical Research - the first hour is free, thereafter a single charge per hour is due.




2022/23 Fees

(Proposed increase of 20%)


Adult Cremation



Oversize Casket cremation



Child Cremation (1-12 years)



Infant Cremation

No charge

No change

Additional Cremation Fees

Out of Hours - Adult Cremation



Out of Hours - Child Cremation



Saturday – Adult Cremation



Saturday – Child Cremation



Sunday or public holiday – Adult Cremation



Sundays or public holiday – Child Cremation



Chapel Hire – Service (30 minutes to 2 hours)



Chapel Hire – Committal (up to 30 minutes)




All applications are subject to the following fees:

  1. Deposits are non-refundable as listed in the following tables. Payment is due upon application. Where costs incurred are not fully covered by the deposit, additional charges will be applied at the hourly rate. Deposit includes system fee.
    System fees based on value of work: Provider will increase system fees to:
    • $132 from $125 as of 30 June 2023
    • $80 for up to $10,000 – was $75
    • $132 for $10,001 to $600,000 – was $125
    • $264 for over $600,000 – was 250
  2. Upon granting of building consent - additional costs will be invoiced and must be paid prior to issue of building consent. These include specialist fees, staff time at hourly charge out rate above deposit, plus estimated inspections fees, all levies and development contributions as applicable.
  3. Before issue of code compliance certificate – all costs will be reconciled against payments made and the difference will be invoiced, to be paid prior to code compliance certificate issue.

Development Contributions - Building consents may also incur development contributions, see website information:

The table below applies to all applications: commercial, residential, new, alteration and additions

Building Consent Value of Work Deposit 2022/23 Proposed deposit 2023/24
Plus system fee increase

Up to $5,000



$5,001 to $10,000



$10,001 to $20,000



$20,001 to $50,000



$50,001 to $100,000



$100,001 to $200,000



$200,001 to $400,000



$400,001 to $600,000



$600,001 to $800,000



$800,001 to $1,200,000



$1,200,001 to $4,000,000



$4,000,001 or more



Amendment to issued building consent



Minor variation



Levies - fixed and required under Building Act 2004 - fee based on value of work

2022/23 levy fees

2023/24 proposed Levy fees

Note: An amendment that adds value to the original consent may cause it to incur (additional) levies.

BRANZ Levy - Building Research Association New Zealand Levy where estimated value is $20,000 and over

$1.00 per


No change

MBIE Levy – Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Levy where estimated value is $20,444 and over

$1.75 per


No Change

Insurance Levy - where estimated value is $20,000 and over (capped at value of $10,000,000)

$1.60 per


$1.72 per


QA Levy - Quality Assurance/Building Consent Authority Levy - where estimated value is $20,000 and over

$3.15 per


$3.38 per


Hourly charge out rates for staff, meetings, and external contractors, per hour

2022/23 proposed hourly chargeout rates

Proposed 2023/24 hourly chargeout rates

Building Control Administrators and Residential Building (Technical) Officers



Commercial Building (Technical) Officers (includes any commercial meeting with customer/project managers etc.)



Any other meeting with Building Unit Staff or Duty Building Officer - chargeable after first 30 minutes.



External contractors or specialists engaged by Council

At cost

At Cost

Debt recovery

Applicant shall be liable for all costs incurred by Council as a result of debt recovery. In making an application to Council you agree to abide by the Council Debtor Terms and Conditions: with-council/customer-accounts/Debtor-Terms-Conditions.pdf

Hourly rate

Hourly rate

Minor Works

2022/23 deposit

Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Swimming pool fencing application



Solid fuel burner/Space heater



Inbuilt burner/heater requiring extra cavity inspection



Demolition work



Marquee – Private/Residential > 100m2




Any size in place for more than one month, commercial/ private



Express Service for Commercial Marquees

(less than 20 working days’ notice)



Swimming Pool Application



Bathroom Alterations including wet area shower



Proprietary Garage

(value under $20,000)



Any Relocated dwelling



Works for which a Building Consent is Not Required

2022/23 deposit

Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Notification of Exempt Work - Schedule 1 (except clause 2)

No assessment by Territorial Authority, filed on Property File

One-off fixed fee



Application for Discretionary Exemption – Schedule 1 (2) only

Requires Territorial Authority assessment and decision.



Unauthorised building works report (works prior to 1991) to file



Certificate of Acceptance (COA)


Proposed 2023/24 deposit

In addition to an application fee of $1,194, the following costs will be applied:

· any applicable fees (including processing, inspections, administration at current hourly rates) and levies that would have been payable had building consent been applied for BEFORE carrying out the work

· Any specialist input, where applicable, will be charged out at cost.

All building work completed without a building consent or exemption will require a COA. If a COA is not applied for, a Notice to Fix will be issued.


At current


At cost


At current


At cost

Notice to Fix (NTF) and Other Enforcement


Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Notice to fix (each) issue



Other notices (each) issued under Building Act 2004



Section 124 notices for Dangerous or Insanitary Buildings

(except where issued as a result of a natural disaster)



Building Officer time and monitoring of notices issued

Hourly rate

Hourly rate

Registration of Documents with Land Information New Zealand


Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Section 73 Building Act 2004



Section 75 Building Act 2004



Removal of section 73 or 75 (or equivalent under Building Act ‘91)



Other Services Provided by the Building Unit


Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Project Information Memorandum (PIM)

Only required if the PIM application is not part of a building consent application



Compliance schedule - New



Compliance schedule - Amendment



Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) renewal



BWoF back flow preventer only
Any additional time to review 12A forms at hourly charge out rate



BWoF audit



Swimming pool barrier audit



Determinations, lapsing consents, extension of time, code compliance decision

Hourly rate

Hourly rate

Certificate for public use (CPU)



CPU extension of time



Minor variation



Amendment to issued building consent



Building code clause modifications or waivers

e.g., B2 Mod-Durability



Historic building consent - file review



Certificate of compliance (District Licensing Agency)

Building code compliance assessment for fire safety and sanitary facilities in a building, prior to an alcohol license application



Commercial report of Monthly Building Consents Issued

- Annual Fee



Commercial report of Monthly & Mid-monthly Building Consents Issued

- Annual Fee



Earthquake Prone Buildings


Proposed 2023/24 deposit

Application for Exemption, for an Earthquake Prone (EQP) Building



Application for Extension of time for Heritage Earthquake Prone Building



Assessment of information related to a Building’s EQP status





Proposed 2023/24 deposit







Multiple titles charged at hourly rate

Hourly rate

Hourly rate

Proposed LIM Cancellation Fee – New Fee made up of EIL charges $81.33, Administration time and Finance processing time to provide refund

New fee


Environmental health licence fees

Licence and Activity Fees

$ if paid on or before 31 July

$ if paid on or before 31 July

$ if paid after 31 July

$ if paid after 31 July






Offensive trades





Camping grounds





Funeral directors





Transfer of registration

$79 per transfer

$95 per transfer

$79 per transfer

$95 per transfer

Inspection of non-commercial support base

$79 per inspection

$95 per inspection

$94 per inspection

$112 per inspection

Animal control (other than dogs) time taken at hourly charge out rate

$170 per hour

$187 per hour

$170 per hour

$ 187 per hour

Processing site marine contingency plans

$170 per hour

$187 per hour

$170 per hour

$ 187 per hour

Pollution response – hourly charge out rate - disbursements

$170 per hour

$187 per hour

$170 per hour

$ 187 per hour