Deliberations are now complete and Council has adopted the Annual Plan 2023/24. This can be read here.

The media release following the adoption can be seen here.

The agenda of the meeting where it was adopted can be seen here.

Submissions to the Annual Plan can be read here.

In 2021 we asked for your views on the Long Term Plan 2021–31, the ten-year budget for our city. This Long term plan covers the first three years in detail (the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24) and provides a higher-level look at the remaining years (2024/25 to 2030/31).

Every year we check if any changes are needed to the detailed budgets. The document that is produced is called the Annual Plan, and highlights the 'exceptions" to the Long Term Plan. We put out an Annual Plan Consultation Document, to get your thoughts on these exceptions.

There are various reasons for this year's proposed exceptions, including the August 2022 severe weather event. We've had to change our work programme and, in some cases, change the timing of major projects because of this.

Of course, apart from these exceptions, what we have planned for the upcoming year three (2023/24) continues as set out in the Long Term Plan.

Please read our Consultation Document or these web pages to learn about the changes. Most importantly, we want you to provide us with your views on whether we’ve got this right. The key areas where we want to hear from you are indicated in the submission form below.

Council is also consulting on proposed changes to some fees and charges for 2023/24 alongside consultation on the Annual Plan. The Statement of Proposal for changes to Council’s fees and charges can be seen here.

Mayor's foreword Kupu whakataki

Hear from Nelson Mayor Hon Dr Nick Smith about the proposed changes for 2023/24

How to have your say - Whakahoki kōrero mai

Submissions have now closed.

How to make a submission on this consultation document or the Statement of Proposal for changes to fees and charges:

  • Email to
  • By free post to Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson 7040. Freepost 76919
  • By dropping off your submission to Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street.
  • You can pick up a hardcopy from:

  • Our Customer Service Centre at the corner of Trafalgar and Halifax Streets
  • The public libraries in Nelson, Stoke, and Tāhunanui.
  • You can also download the form online to print here - or use your own form.

    Submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on Sunday 30 April 2023.

    If you want to give feedback to the Council in person you can do that at public hearings on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 May 2023.

    After considering all the feedback received Council will decide what will be included in the Annual Plan and the Schedule of Fees and Charges. All submitters will be contacted by Council about the outcome.

    More detailed financial and other information relied on by the content of this consultation document is available here.

    All numbers in this document exclude GST unless otherwise stated.

    All references to the ‘Long Term Plan’ refer to the Long Term Plan 2021–2031 unless otherwise stated.

    Public Information: All submissions (including your name and contact details) will be provided to Council officers for administration and analysing feedback, and to those who are involved in decision-making on the consultation.

    All submissions, including submitter names (unless you request otherwise) but not contact details, will be publicly available online. Note, Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and a request for official information may cover your submission, including your address and other contact details