Partnership with Māori and iwi - He Waka Hourua
Council is committed to strengthening partnerships with iwi and Māori of Te Tauihu and to providing opportunities for Māori involvement in Council decision-making processes in a meaningful way.
This includes an intention to:
- Build genuine partnerships with all eight Te Tau Ihu iwi at governance, management and operational levels
- Support iwi to participate in local government decision-making
- Increase Council’s understanding of te reo Māori me ōnā tikanga (Māori language and culture)
- Support iwi aspirations.
Actions planned for 2023/24 include:
- Work towards Te Tauihu Partnership Agreement with our eight iwi and neighbouring Tasman and Marlborough councils
- Waitangi, Matariki and Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) celebrations
- Provide opportunities for consultative and representative collaboration with Te Tauihu iwi
- Continue to implement and review Te Parikaranga, iwi engagement tool
- Implement a five-year Toi Māori Arts workplan
- Support the implementation of Council’s Te Puāwaitanga Cultural Competency Framework.