The Council has made a decision to rezone approximately 287 hectares of land in the Maitai Valley for urban purposes through Plan Change 28, following a private plan change process. Even though that decision is now under appeal, provision has been made for early design work for utilities and transport connections to service the proposed Maitahi Bayview Development in the Maitai Valley.
The funding will only be spent if the development receives a favourable decision from the Environment Court. If the Environment Court dismisses the appeal but no funding has been provided for in the Annual Plan, Council will not be able to give effect to its rezoning decision and there will be an unreasonable delay.
What we’re proposing
The developer will be responsible for servicing the proposed development, but there are some trunk services which Council will need to ensure are upgraded over an estimated period of three to five years. Council recognises the importance of secure water and wastewater services and safe and sustainable transport connections, and that these can be delivered efficiently and economically by integrating the proposed development into the wider utility and transport networks.
The work required includes:
- A new water main from Nile Street East through to the proposed development site, then an upgraded main from the Council trunk main in Tasman Street and the construction of a new storage reservoir in a location above the proposed development area
- Wastewater services installed from the Council pump station in Sovereign Street through to the proposed development site
- Upgrading transport connections at the existing intersection of Nile Street and Maitai Valley Road
- Providing improved cycleway/footpath/bridge connections in the Maitai Valley locality.
Stormwater will be provided by on-site detention.
The benefits include:
- Economic efficiency and the resilience that comes from a networked supply.
- Health advantages in that Council has significant experience in providing potable water on an ongoing basis to large communities
- Health and environmental advantages from disposing of sewage to a council network for treatment and disposal rather than on-site disposal options
- Greater active transport options available to the community, reducing traffic on our roads.
Council’s focus in 2023/24 will be working with the developer to undertake pre-planning.
Exact cost splits between Council and the developer for these proposed developments are to be determined, but the developer will pay a share of the total costs. Council is proposing budget of $606,000 in 2023/24 to initiate this work with the balance of any funding being considered in the Long Term Plan 2024–2034 consultation process.
The benefit of this expenditure is that it will enable the additional housing to proceed more quickly and help alleviate Nelson’s shortage. It will also help ratepayers by enabling the correct costs of the development to be charged against the developer.
Tell us what you think
Do you agree we should allocate funding of $606,000 in 2023/24 to undertake pre-planning work on the utility and transport connections to the proposed Maitahi Bayview Development subdivision (Maitai Valley), to inform consultation on the Long Term Plan 2024–34? Let us know here