You will also see some other projects that will be progressed in 2023/24 that are fully funded by central government.
Council has received $5.18 million as part of the Three Waters Reform programme. The funding is not conditional on Council supporting the Three Waters Reform or it necessarily proceeding.
The funding will be used for seven projects that have to be completed by the end of June 2027. The projects have previously been consulted on and are not part of this consultation. Some of the funding will be set aside for Council’s project management costs, with project specific costs noted below.
1. Te Ara ō Whakatū City centre play space
Urban play space in the city centre – $2,185,000.
2. Railway Reserve lighting from Annesbrook to Saxton Field
Lighting of the Railway Reserve from Annesbrook to Saxton Field, which would complete the final section of the project to light the Reserve – $990,000.
3. He Tātai Whetū (Arts and Creativity Strategy)
- Te Tauihutanga design and identity project – a project, to be managed by iwi, to support a highly visible tangata whenua identity in Nelson – $500,000.
- Creative tourism winter festival – to develop a creative tourism project bringing a winter festival to Nelson, offering participatory and educational arts opportunities for both locals and visitors, and building on existing successful models such as jewellery and clay weeks – $400,000.
- Arts activation projects – funding for local artists to create arts activation in the city – $100,000.
4. Iwi capacity building
Growing iwi capacity, particularly the ability to engage with and respond to the range of matters councils wish to partner with iwi on – $350,000.
5. Community car sharing
Promotion of a car sharing project supporting transition to a sustainable and low emissions future – $50,000.
6. Whai Oranga Wellbeing Centre (Joint project with Tasman District Council)
Development of a business case for a proposed Whai Oranga Wellbeing Centre, on gifted land. The Centre would primarily deliver wellbeing services to Māori in a clinically and culturally appropriate way – $75,000.
7. Nelson Tasman urban development agency (Joint project with Tasman District Council)
A project to investigate the feasibility of a joint Urban Development Agency with Tasman District Council to help address urban housing issues – $75,000.