We want to bring forward substantial three waters infrastructure upgrades in the city centre and the Bridge Street Linear Active Transport Corridor (more on this below) by using funding received through central government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund.
Nelson has a housing crisis with a lack of appropriate, affordable housing. This significantly impacts community wellbeing and our economy because local businesses struggle to attract staff as they can’t find somewhere to live. So, Council applied to the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund and in October 2022, $36 million was awarded to this project. This funding is supported by $32 million already allocated in the Long Term Plan. But to receive this funding we need to bring forward this work or risk paying for the entire project ourselves. The infrastructure upgrade for this part of the city will enhance investment for housing and commercial developments and improve resilience to storm events and the effects of climate change.
What we’re proposing
The project aims to increase resilience and allow for approximately 1000 extra residential units in Nelson’s city centre with a package of extensive water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure and transport upgrades. The upgrades include a water ring main upgrade around the lower portion of the city centre, and an upgrade of the Paru Paru Street wastewater pump station.
The Bridge Street Linear Active Transport Corridor will run between Rutherford and Collingwood Streets and includes:
- A new road layout to promote safe mixed use (for people and different modes of transport)
- Limited short-term parking for those who require it
- Access to high quality green public spaces, and a new space for families to relax and play.
Opportunities to offset any loss of parking elsewhere in the city will be explored as part of this project.
The project’s benefits include:
- Using central government funds to fast-track major infrastructure upgrades and housing capacity improvements
- Supporting the viability of significant housing developments
- Regenerating our city centre by making our streets busier for longer and more foot traffic on Bridge Street
- Supporting Council’s August 2022 severe weather event recovery effort by delivering three waters infrastructure to improve resilience in Nelson’s city centre
- Assisting in reducing Nelson’s carbon emissions by encouraging active travel (travelling by foot, bicycle, scooter etc).
The redevelopment of Nelson Hospital over the next decade will require housing for many redevelopment-related workers. An added benefit of doing this infrastructure work is that Nelson will be in a better position to ensure the required accommodation options are possible, support a crucial project for the wellbeing of our region, and reap the economic benefit from this influx of workers and their families.
Council is proposing to bring forward $3 million from future years to 2023/24 to facilitate feasibility work, initial design and engagement. $1.9 million of this cost will be funded from central government in future years.
In 2023/24 the key upgrades will include:
- $365,000 to begin the design of a water supply ring main from the trunk main on Bridge Street near Tasman Street along Bridge Street, Rutherford Street, Halifax Street and Collingwood Street
- $125,000 to begin the design of a new stormwater main along Bridge Street and associated green infrastructure, and a new flood gate for the Halifax Street stormwater outfall into Saltwater Creek
- $435,000 to begin the design of a Pump Station Upgrade on Paru Paru Road and renewal/ upgrade on Rutherford Street, Achilles Avenue and Bridge Street wastewater infrastructure
- $2.1 million to begin the design of the Bridge Street Linear Active Transport Corridor between Rutherford and Collingwood Streets.
In future years, Council will need to bring forward and refine existing budgets to progress the work and will likely need to allocate further funding of approximately $11 million to complete the work. These funding decisions will need to be considered in the Long Term Plan 2024–2034 consultation process.
Tell us what you think
Do you agree we should be accelerating infrastructure upgrades in the city centre to enable central city living and receive central government funding? Let us know here