Climate Change - Te panoni āhuarangi i
We have less than a decade to accelerate our emissions reductions to avoid the full effects of global warming, making responding to climate change our biggest global challenge. In Nelson, projected changes to our climate will impact our economy, infrastructure, natural environment, lifestyles, and future.
Acknowledging the need for urgent action, Council declared a climate emergency in May 2019. Council adopted Te Mahere Mahi a te Āhuarangi Climate Action Plan in 2021, a living document which outlines what Council is doing to address climate change over the next decade. In 2022, Council also began developing a Climate Change Strategy, which will set the long-term direction and guide Council and community investment in climate action.

We are already experiencing the effects of climate change – the severe weather event in August 2022, for example, shows our changing climate. Council is developing an adaptive strategy to prepare for the impacts of climate change. This is a multi-year process involving significant community input that will inform key decisions, such as where we locate new development and how we manage climate risks in low lying areas. In parallel, Council is working with Tasman District Council on a regional climate change risk assessment, which will build a comprehensive picture of how climate change will impact the region.