Section 42a Report
- PPC28 - Section 42A Report - including Apps C and D - 3 June 2022
- Appendix A Review of and feedback on proposed planning provisions
- Appendix B Table of recommendations on submissions
- Appendix E Economics
- Appendix F Geotechnical
- Appendix G Water supply
- Appendix H Wastewater
- Appendix I Water quality
- Appendix J Stormwater and Flood Risk
- Appendix K Water sensitive design
- Appendix L Erosion and sediment control
- Appendix M Ecology
- Appendix N Transport
- Appendix O Historic heritage
- Appendix O1 Heritage Buildings Assessment Criteria (NRMP)
- NCC historic heritage item record - former Richardson shearing shed, Maitai Run
- Appendix P Landscape
- Appendix Q Urban design
- Appendix R Recreation
- Appendix S Iwi Management Plan Provisions
Section 42a Addendum
- Planning Addendum Report - Gina Sweetman
- Appendix A - Review of PPC28 Provisions
- Appendix B - Water Quality
- Appendix C - Water Sensitive Design
- Appendix D - Landscape
- Appendix E - Ecology
- Appendix F - Historic Heritage
- Appendix G - Urban Design
- Appendix H - Erosion and Sediment Control
- Appendix I - Stormwater and Flood Risk
- Appendix J - Memo on Nelson Plan Programme
- Appendix K - Transport