Nelson City Council accepted a private plan change request to the Nelson Resource Management Plan from Nelson Airport Limited with the purpose of:
- providing a clear planning framework regarding activities anticipated within the Airport designations
- ensuring the contemporary role and function of the Airport, in terms of its strategic importance to the Nelson-Tasman region and country, is recognised; and
- providing a consistent approach to managing activities sensitive to airport noise in order to manage reverse sensitivity effects and ensure communities around the Airport are developed with healthy living environments.
Accordingly, changes sought to the Nelson Resource Management Plan include:
- The formation of Chapter 15 Airport Zone, and associated provisions for land contained within designation DAA1, as proposed in the Notice of Requirement, including three zone precincts:
- the core Airport precinct (including runway, airfield, taxiways and other aviation activities),
- the Airport environs precinct (providing for business activities supporting and complementing the Airport), and
- the Airport coastal precinct (the coastal and river margins).
- Amendments to Chapter 5 District Wide provisions to strengthen the role and function of Nelson Airport as nationally and regionally significant infrastructure and incorporate policy related to managing reverse sensitivity effects on Nelson Airport.
- Amendments to Chapter 11 Industrial provisions to remove redundant provisions that relate to Nelson Airport.
- Amendments to Chapter 7 Residential, Chapter 9 Suburban Commercial, Chapter 10 Industrial, Chapter 11 Open Space and Recreation, and Chapter 14 Conservation Zones to provide a consistent rule suite to avoid activities sensitive to airport noise from establishing within the Airport Effects Control Overlay and Airport Noise Boundary.
- Amendments to Appendix 19 Acoustic Insulation Requirements in relation to the amended Airport Effects Control Overlay and inclusion of updated Future Air Noise Contours, and addition of ventilation requirements.
- Inserted and amended definitions to Chapter 2 Interpretation to provide for the above.
- Consequential amendments to Chapter 3 Administration.