Application and Public Notices

Attachment A - Private Plan Change Provisions and Precinct Map

Proposed changes to the Nelson Resource Management Plan provisions and proposed Airport Zone Precincts Plan

Attachment B - Proposed alterations to DAA1, DAA2 and DAA3

Proposed alterations to Nelson Airport's suite of Designations (DAA1 Aerodrome (Nelson Airport), DAA2 Airnoise boundary controls, DAA3 Airport height restrictions), list of properties that the Designations relate to and comparison plans

Attachment C - Spatial Extent, Ownership and site area

Plans showing the proposed spatial extent of the altered Designations

Attachment D - Gazette Notice & Order in Council

Resource Management (Approval of Nelson Airport Limited as Requiring Authority) Notice 1999 and Airport Authorities (Nelson Airport Limited) Order 1998

Attachment E - Nelson Airport 2050 Master Plan

Nelson Airport's 2050 Master Plan published April 2022

Attachment F - Green Energy Reports

Reports and memoranda discussing decarbonisation of aviation activity and implications for Nelson Airport infrastructure

Attachment G - Archaeology

Archaeological assessments of runway extension options and effects

Attachment H - Ecology

Ecological assessments of runway extension options and effects

Attachment I - Geotechnical and Coastal Hazards

Geotechnical and coastal hazards assessments of runway extension options and effects

Attachment J - Landscape

Landscape assessments of runway extension options and effects

Attachment K - Noise

Aircraft noise assessments of runway extension options and effects

Attachment L - Economics

Economic benefits of Nelson Airport and assessment of runway extension options

Attachment M - Airbiz

Assessment of options and aeronautical reasons for a longer runway at Nelson Airport

Attachment N - Transport

Transportation assessment of runway extension options

Attachment O - Multi-Criteria Assessment

An evaluation of the relative impacts associated with two runway extension options: a southern extension option and a northern extension option

Attachment P - Consultation

Nelson Airport consultation material and letter from Air New Zealand

Attachment Q - Higher Order Statutory Framework

Planning and statutory documents relevant to the notice of requirement and private plan change

Supplementary Information (submitted Post-lodgement)