At the Council meeting in March 2023, Council accepted a request for the Private Plan Change for Nelson Airport as Private Plan Change 30 and an accompanying Notice of Requirement. Publicly notified on 9 September 2023, Council received 460 submissions and 9 further submissions.

Council appointed independent accredited commissioners Helen Atkins (Chair), David McMahon, and Lindsay Daysh to consider Private Plan Change 30 and to make recommendations to Council, noting the same Panel will also be engaged to make recommendations to Council in relation to an accompanying Notice of Requirement.

The Hearing was held from 13 to 17 May and adjourned at 2:00pm, Thursday 23 May for the Nelson City Council S42 Report Author response. All Hearing video recordings can be found below this section, or on the Nelson City Council YouTube, along with the Hearing Schedule.

Post Hearing Expert Conferencing

After the online hearing session (Thursday 23 May 2024), Post Hearing Expert Conferencing will commence for six weeks. Further information regarding conferencing will be through Directions and Memos between the Hearing Panel and relevant parties.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Notification - submissions open

    10 June 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Submissions close

    4.00pm 10 July 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Further submissions on Plan Change 30 open

    9 September 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Further Submissions on Plan Change 30 close

    4:00pm 25 September 2023

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Expert witness information

    Provided to Council by 13 Oct 2023

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Section 42A Report

    1 March 2024

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Airport Expert Evidence

    Tuesday 2 April 2024

    Wednesday 3 April 2024 (Planner Evidence)

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Submitter Expert Evidence

    Non Planning Evidence - Thursday 25 April 2024

    Planning Evidence - Friday 26 April 2024

  • Timeline item 9 - complete

    Expert Conferencing

    Commencing week of 29 April 2024

  • Timeline item 10 - complete


    Monday 13 - 17 May 2024

  • Timeline item 11 - complete

    Online Hearing

    The hearing continues online Thursday 23 May 2024, 2 - 4pm.

  • Timeline item 12 - active

    Post Hearing Expert Conferencing (6 weeks)

    The Nelson Airport and Nelson Golf Club.

    The Nelson Airport and Tahuna Beach Camp.