Feedback on the topic of the airport zone and airport noise closed 19 October 2021.
The Airport zone covers all the airport land and is intended to help enable our busy airport to keep thriving, while managing effects on the environment.
The Airport is proposed to be provided for in the Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan through its own Special purpose zone – Airport zone. Currently under the Nelson Resource Management Plan the land at the Airport falls within the Industrial zone chapter, with one rule to provide for specific activities at the airport. The nature of the activities at the airport, and the potential effects from and on those activities, are considered different from those typically provided for in the Industrial zone.
Supporting information
- Key Info Sheet - Airport zone and Airport noise
- Comparison table
- Draft Nelson Plan - Part 4 - Zones - SPZ - AIRPZ - Airport zone
- Draft Nelson Plan - Part 6 - NOISE - APP40 - Acoustic Insulation Requirements
- Draft Nelson Plan - Part 3 - General Matters - NOISE - Airport noise only
The proposed Airport zone chapter sets out the expectations of the role and function of the airport land and provides for greater clarity on:
- what activities are appropriate to the airport,
- where those activities should happen,
- what the expectations are for amenity in the zone,
- what the potential adverse effects are, and
- how those effects might be mitigated.
To achieve this the proposed airport zone is divided into three precincts:
- PREC16 - Core airport precinct, providing for the airport runway, hangers and other core aviation activities,
- PREC17 - Airport environs precinct, providing for the landside activities that support and complement the airport,
- PREC18 - Airport coastal precinct, providing for the management of coastal and river margins at the airport.
In addition to the rules in the Airport zone there are also specific rules contained in the Noise chapter of the Draft Nelson Plan that relate to airport activities. The draft airport noise provisions propose to manage effects on the amenity and health of people living near the airport from adverse noise levels generated by airport-related activities, while at the same time ensuring the Airport can continue to effectively operate. To achieve this a combination of noise limits, acoustic insulation requirements and development restrictions are proposed, in addition to the use of noise overlays.
Nelson Airport is currently working through updates to its noise contours, which could result in changes to the current Air Noise Boundary (Ldn 65 dB) and Airport effects control overlay. The updates will reflect the Airport’s 2021 Master Plan (not yet finalised). Like previous Master Plans, the 2021 version includes provision for a future runway extension, to provide additional freight and passenger capacity. In late 2021 Nelson Airport will consult on these proposed changes for inclusion in the Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan.
For further information on the Airport zone and noise rules currently being engaged on by Council, please refer to the Information sheet and comparison tables.
Map of Airport zone and precincts