Transport Choices is a nationwide series of Waka Kotahi funded projects.
The programme aims to demonstrate what’s possible for communities across Aotearoa New Zealand, by quickly providing people with more transport options, and making it easier to travel in ways that are good for all of us and our environment.
Nelson's current project under the Transport Choices banner is the upgrade of the Maitai shared pathway between Bridge Street and Nile Street. This work is being undertaken at the same time as the Domett Street improvement project. Click here to find out more about these combined projects.
Nelson East Connections (Waimea Road to Nile Street) - this Transport Choices project is currently on hold. The project was included in the 2024 - 2034 Long Term Plan.
The primary aim of the project is to provide safer routes for people to travel across Nelson, connecting existing cycle routes to Waimea Road and onto Nile Street. This will be especially important to encourage more students to ride to school, with Nelson Boys College, Hampden Street, Nelson College for Girls, St Joseph’s School, Nelson Centre for Musical Arts, NMIT and Central School all along the route.
In September 2022, E Tū Whakatū - Nelson's Active Travel Strategy 2022 - 2032 was adopted by Council.
This focused on providing the framework and guidance to change how we travel. It aimed to deliver a programme of investment in walking and cycling over the next 10-15 years, changing how we travel so it is more sustainable, reducing carbon emissions and private car use.
The plan has been developed for all age groups and abilities to promote the broader well-being of all our community.
Transport Choices links directly to this strategy, as well as our Long Term Plan 2012-2031, and our Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).
The Waka Kotahi funded Streets for People Project is directly adjacent to the Transport Choices project and the two join to help connect the Railway Reserve all the way to Nelson East.

Proposed Transport Choices Route