Read the Long Term Plan 2024-2034

Visit the Council website to see the adopted Long Term Plan.

Nelson City Council's Long Term Plan 2024-2034 was adopted on 27 June 2024. It came into effect on 1 July 2024. Learn more about the LTP on Council's website.

The agenda for the 27 June 2024 meeting can be read here.

The agenda attachments (including the complete Long Term Plan) can be read here.

The open Minute Item Attachments (including Auditors report) can be read here.

Decisions from LTP Deliberations

Buyout of Private Properties affected by slips

Council’s preferred option approved with amendments

Elected members agreed to accept the Central Government buy-out support offer, which will now be used to purchase up to 17 properties, and to apply amended eligibility buy-out principles.

The amended set of eligibility buy-out principles now include properties that are not the primary residence of an owner as well as primary residences of an owner.

Percentage value payouts for primary residences will be to a maximum of 95% of their valuation if insured and maximum of 80% if uninsured. All valuations will be taken from before the August 2022 weather event.

Percentage value payouts for non-primary residences will be to a maximum of 95% of their valuation if insured and a maximum of 80% if uninsured. This payout will be taken from the remaining available funds once all eligible primary residence properties have been confirmed and Council valuations obtained.

If the potential payout to insured non-primary residence property falls below 80% of valuation, Council has requested the opportunity to re-assess the application of the eligibility buy-out principles to ensure an equitable outcome.

Council will contact eligible homeowners at the beginning of July once the LTP is adopted.

Council's approach to forestry

Option 2 approved: Exit commercial forestry

Housing Reserve

Option 2 approved: Broaden the purpose of the Housing Reserve Fund to enable it to be used to provide vulnerable housing support.

All-weather sports turf

Council voted against the proposal.

Facilities at Tāhunanui Beach for Surf Life Saving Club

Option 2 approved: Construct a new facility for the Nelson Surf Lifesaving Club and upgrade the changing facilities.

Arts Hub

Option 2 approved (with amendments): Purchase an existing building and establish an arts hub.

Amendments: Bring forward funding of $1.7 from 27/28 for the purchase of a new facility; reallocate $20k for 25/26 and 26/27 for arts hub rental facility.

City Centre Revitalisation

Approved: budget of $100,000 operating expenditure in 2024/25 for city revitalisation initiatives including some funding for proposed taskforces.

Welcome to Council's Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document

Consultation on the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 has now closed.

Every three years we develop a Long Term Plan for our City. The Plan covers the next 10 years (with more detail for the first three), describes the issues facing our city, what Council is aiming to achieve, how much it will cost , and how it will be paid for. Let us know what you think about the key issues we’ve outlined in this consultation document and your preferred options for dealing with them.

We haven’t included everything Council plans to do over the next 10 years, or all of the background information that has informed our plans, in this consultation document.

Remember to get your feedback in by 28 April 2024.

All numbers in this document are adjusted for inflation and exclude GST (unless otherwise stated).

The key issues for feedback - Ko ngā kaupapa matua

The following are eight key issues that are priorities for Council and which we particularly want to hear from you on so that our way forward can be guided by the community.

For each key issue, we explain the estimated impact on levels of service (where there is any change), rates, and debt of the different options. The impact on rates is made up from known direct operational costs, interest flowing from debt needed to be borrowed, funding of the depreciation, and net of any expected income generated as a result of the project or option. Impact on debt is generally the capital costs for the project net any upfront contributions towards the cost of the project from external sources.

Key issues for feedback