Council officers along with supporting experts have prepared a suite of reports and evidence under the provisions of section 42A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), accompanying these reports is Council's Reply to address matters raised during the Hearing. Where the Reply recommends further changes to PC29 in response to matters raised at the Hearing, these are included within the body of the Reply and are shown with green underline and strikethrough.
The purpose of the Council’s Reply is to address matters raised through the hearings (evidence/information from submitters and questions posed by the Hearing Panel). There is no opportunity for submitters to respond to the Council’s Reply. The Council’s Reply is evidence/information that the Hearing Panel will take into account when making its recommendation to the Council, along with the Council Officers’ earlier reports, all of the submissions, and the evidence /information presented by submitters to the Hearing Panel. The Council’s Reply is not necessarily determinative of the outcome of the Hearing Panel’s recommendations.
An updated consolidated version of the provisions has also been provided at the bottom of this page.