This suite of reports have been prepared under the provisions of section 42A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and assesses information provided in the submissions on Proposed Plan Change 29 (PC29).

The purpose of this suite of reports is to provide the Hearing Panel with a summary and evaluation of the submissions made on the PC29 and to make recommendations on possible amendments to the plan change in response to those submissions.

The recommendations are informed by the evaluation undertaken by the authors and technical information provided by technical specialists. Authors are identified below for each report. The recommendations made on any provisions of PC29 are recommendations of the relevant author.

Report Topic Report Author Documents
Overview & Strategic Rachel Morgan (Barker & Associates)S42A Report - Overview and Strategic
City Centre, Commercial & Infrastructure Mithran Gopinath (Nelson City Council) S42A Report - City Centre, Commercial & Infrastructure
Residential & Subdivision Coralie Barker (Nelson City Council) S42A Report - Residential & Subdivision
Transport and Papakāinga
David Badham (Barker & Associates)

S42A Report - Transport and Papakāinga

Heritage and Churchill View Shaft Jacqueline Hewson (RMG)
S42A Report - Heritage and Churchill View Shaft
Natural Hazards
Sue Robb (Nelson City Council)
Janice Carter (Barker & Associates)

S42A Report - Natural Hazards

TopicTechnical ExpertDocuments
Transport and three waters infrastructureRhys Palmer (Indicate Limited)
Philip Ruffell (Nelson City Council)
Statement of Evidence - Rhys Palmer and Philip Ruffell
Transport Ari Fon (Affirm NZ Limited) Statement of Evidence - Ari Fon
NoiseJon Styles (Styles Group)Statement of Evidence - John Styles
Flooding Damian Velluppillai (Tonkin + Taylor)Statement of Evidence - Damian Velluppillai
Flood HazardToby Kay (Nelson City Council)Statement of Evidence - Toby Kay
Geotechnical Dan Chamberose (Beca limted)Statement of Evidence - Dan Chamberose
Economic Lawrence McIlrath (Market Economics Limited) Statement of Evidence - Lawrence McIlrath
Urban DesignCam Wallace (Barker & Associates)Statement of Evidence - Cam Wallace
LandscapeRhys Girvan (Boffa Miskel)Statement of Evidence - Rhys Girvan
Heritage Dr Ann McEwan (Heritage Consultancy Services) Statement of Evidence - Dr Ann McEwan
NRMP Chapter Documents
Appendix 01
Heritage Buildings, Places and Objects
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 01 - Heritage Buildings, Places and Objects
Appendix 07
Guide for subdivision and structures in the landscape overlay
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 07 - Guide for subdivision and structures in the landscape overlay
Appendix 08
Church Hill Viewshaft - DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 08 - DELETE Church Hill Viewshaft
Appendix 09
Landscape components and views
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 09 - Landscape components and views
Appendix 10
Standards and terms for parking and loading
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 10 - Standards and terms for parking and loading
Appendix 11
Access standards
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 11 - Access standards
Appendix 14
Residential subdivision design and information requirements
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 14 - Residential subdivision design and information requirements
Appendix 15
Daylight admission – Residential
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 15 - Daylight admission – Residential
Appendix 17
Daylight admission – City Centre - DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 17 - DELETE Daylight admission – City Centre
Appendix 19
Acoustic insulation requirements
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 19 - Acoustic insulation requirements
Appendix 22
Guidelines for comprehensive housing development
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 22 - Guidelines for comprehensive housing development
Appendix 23
Design guide and rules for Wakefield Quay - DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 23 - DELETE Design guide and rules for Wakefield Quay
Appendix 30
Flood Path Table
NRMP - PC29 - Appendix 30 - Flood Path Table
Chapter 02
Meanings of words
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 02 - Meanings of words
Chapter 03
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 03 - Administration
Chapter 05
DO1 Tangata whenua
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO1 Tangata whenua
Chapter 05
DO10 Land Transport
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO10 Land Transport
Chapter 05
DO13A Urban Design
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO13A Urban Design
Chapter 05
DO14 Subdivision and Development
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO14 Subdivision and Development
Chapter 05
DO15 Peripheral urban expansion
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO15 Peripheral urban expansion
Chapter 05
DO16 Zones
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO16 Zones
Chapter 05
DO1A Papakāinga in the GM and HD Residential zones, IC and SC zones
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO1A Papakāinga in the GM and HD Residential zones, IC and SC zones
Chapter 05
DO2 Natural hazards
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO2 Natural hazards
Chapter 05
DO4 Heritage
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO4 Heritage
Chapter 05
DO9 Landscape
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 05 - DO9 Landscape
Chapter 07
Sched H Bishopdale subdivision area - DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - DELETE Sched H Bishopdale subdivision area
Chapter 07
Residential Objectives and Policies
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Residential Objectives and Policies
Chapter 07
Residential Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Residential Rules
Chapter 07
Sched A Papakāinga development - St Comp and LD areas in Res zones
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched A Papakāinga development - St Comp and LD areas in Res zones
Chapter 07
Sched AA - Papakāinga development - GM and HD Residential zones
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched AA - Papakāinga development - GM and HD Residential zones
Chapter 07
Sched B Bishopdale pottery - Waimea Road
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched B Bishopdale pottery - Waimea Road
Chapter 07
Sched D BP Annesbrook (Service Station)
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched D BP Annesbrook (Service Station)
Chapter 07
Sched E Ngawhatu Residential Area
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched E Ngawhatu Residential Area
Chapter 07 - Sched F Polytechnic (former Griffins site) - Residential NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 07 - Sched F Polytechnic (former Griffins site) - Residential
Chapter 08
Sched J Vanguard Street St Vincent Street and Haven Road - DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 08 - DELETE Sched J Vanguard Street St Vincent Street and Haven Road
Chapter 08
Sched K Ajax Avenue special amenity area -DELETE
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 08 - DELETE Sched K Ajax Avenue special amenity area
Chapter 08
Inner City - Objectives and Policies
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 08 - Inner City - Objectives and Policies
Chapter 08
Inner City Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 08 - Inner City Rules
Chapter 09
Suburban Commercial Objectives and Policies
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 09 - Suburban Commercial Objectives and Policies
Chapter 09
Suburban Commercial Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 09 - Suburban Commercial Rules
Chapter 10
Industrial Objectives and Policies
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 10 - Industrial Objectives and Policies
Chapter 10
Industrial Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 10 - Industrial Rules
Chapter 11
Open Space and Recreation Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 11 - Open Space and Recreation Rules
Chapter 13
Coastal Marine Area Rules
NRMP - PC29 - Chapter 13 - Coastal Marine Area Rules