Plan Change 29 was publicly notified on 11 August 2023 and closed for submissions at 4:00pm Tuesday 31 October, we received 882 submissions, 75 further submissions, and 4 further submissions on the two late submissions.

Nelson City Council has appointed a Hearing Panel consisting of independent hearing commissioners Greg Hill (Chairperson) and Michael Parsonson, and Councillors Trudie Brand and Rohan O’Neill-Stevens (sitting as Commissioners). The Hearing Panel’s function is to hear and make decisions on the submissions to the plan change and to make a recommendation to the Council whether or not it should approve Plan Change 29. The Panel's delegations also include addressing any procedural matters.

The hearing for Plan Change 29 will commence on Monday 26 August 2024.

  • Read more about Plan Change 29

    The main objective of the Plan Change is to amend the Nelson Regional Management Plan (NRMP) to implement the NPS-UD by supporting housing delivery and the provision of well-functioning urban environments within Nelson while ensuring that natural hazard risks are appropriately managed and historic heritage is protected.