Carbon sequestration – development of new carbon sinks
- Afforestation/reforestation and implementation of ecological restoration plans on Council-owned land will increase carbon capture (Budget: $804,408/year includes: replacement planting, new planting, revegetation, street garden development, street tree development). Budget for retired forestry: over $800,000 across the next 10 years)
- Implementation of an Urban Greening Plan to expand our urban canopy, will bring more CO2 absorbing plants and trees into our City Centre while reducing air and noise pollution and supporting biodiversity and food resiliency (Budget: $20,000 allocated).
- Support for afforestation/reforestation and implementation of ecological restoration plans on privately-owned land will increase carbon capture (Budget: Grants totalling $336,000 were awarded in 2020/21 year from Council’s Nelson Nature, Healthy Streams and Sustainable Land Management programmes, and a similar amount is budgeted in 2021/22)
- Seagrass and saltmarsh research, mapping, monitoring and enhancement will support marine carbon sequestration. (Budget: a portion of the $53,373 budget for Tasman Bay monitoring and research being spent in 2021/22)
- Council will seek new grant funding for projects to increase terrestrial carbon sequestration, such as Jobs for Nature funding. These projects will be delivered through Council work programmes and partnerships, including with the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance and the Tasman Environment Trust.
- Project Mahitahi is a Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Jobs for Nature project focused on terrestrial ecosystem protection, enhancement and resilience in the Maitai River catchment. The project includes the planting of $125,000 trees over 5 years (Budget: $1,411,359 in 21/22 funded by Ministry for the Environment and Department of Conservation).
Carbon sequestration - protecting existing carbon sinks to reduce carbon loss
- Reducing soil loss through addressing erosion. Council’s Sustainable Land Management programme will support soil retention and health through reducing hill country erosion and supporting sustainable land use (Budget: in FY 21/22 is $330,000 funded by Ministry for Primary Industries and $67,353 funded through rates).
- A portion of the Nelson Nature budget ($434,912 in FY21/22) will support ecological resilience (adaptation) of terrestrial habitats and species by undertaking pest plant and animal control to protect ecosystems and allow continuing carbon sequestration by those ecosystems. Nelson Nature is Council’s terrestrial biodiversity programme, and along with improving indigenous biodiversity it has climate change co-benefits including increased carbon sequestration and adaptation/ resilience of ecosystems to changing climate.
- The Jobs for Nature Wakapuaka and Whangamoa Project beginning in 2021/22 will protect existing carbon capture by Significant Natural Area ecosystems on private land in the Wakapuaka and Whangamoa catchments, by addressing the impacts of pest plants and browsing animals such as goats on growing and mature trees (Budget: $990,638 over 3 years).
- Understanding the extent of our estuarine carbon sinks through Council’s coastal and marine programme, and working with partners such as Taman District Council, Te Tauihu iwi, Kotahitanga mō te Taiao and Tasman Environmental Trust, will help to protect these carbon sinks by informing decision making and reducing the likelihood of disturbance (Budget: allocated to Tasman Environment Trust through the LTP: $10,000 per year for three years).
Emissions mitigation advice, information and education provided to the community:
- Free advice to residents from Council’s Eco Design Adviser will help reduce energy usage and improve house performance, which supports reduction in energy consumption (Budget: A portion of the Resilience and Sustainability budget which is $39,839 in 2021/22)
- Council’s contribution to the Warmer Healthier Homes Nelson-Tasman- Marlborough project will support reductions in energy use (Budget: $52,800per year for the next 10 years).
- Council will promote external funding for renewable energy or energy efficiency (e.g. through interest-free bank home loan top-ups, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority grants or other government schemes)
- Investment in behaviour change programmes will continue to support a shift away from single occupancy use of private vehicles towards public transport and active transport
- Information will be provided to the community on how to avoid or reduce waste through the Rethink Waste|Whakaarohia programme.
- The Enviroschools programme supports educating our tamariki and rangatahi to make better choices about using resources and reducing waste; reduction in energy consumption; habitat restoration/ protection and active transport (Budget: $112,112 for FY 21/22).
- As well as financial support and implementation of projects, Council’s environmental programmes including Nelson Nature, Healthy Streams, Sustainable Land Management, Air Quality, Coastal and Marine, and Biosecurity provide advice, education and information to support the community to care for our natural spaces (Budget: The education component is an integral part of these programmes).
Council collaboration with community initiatives for climate action
- Participating in the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum and supporting it to deliver actions outlined in its Climate Action Book. (Budget: $100,000 per year for three years).
- Supporting initiatives such as Businesses for Climate Action (Budget: $175,000 over three years, $38,000 of that funding is the remaining funds from the Climate Change Reserve and $137,000 is ratepayer funded)
- Investigating the potential for a Nelson Climatorium (centre of innovation for tackling climate change)
- Supporting Community Compost’s initiative to grow its organic collection operation (Budget: through a grant of $32,000 from the Climate Change Reserve in FY 20/21).
Waste minimisation initiatives are funded from the waste levy to the solid waste closed account. The objective of Council’s waste minimisation programme is to avoid or reduce the creation of waste. The initiatives implemented in the coming financial year(s) include:
- Rethink Waste programme: Programmes and activities that enable people in Nelson to avoid or reduce waste
- Construction & Demolition Waste reduction programme
- Organic waste reduction
- Investigation of EV Charger installation for our community in public spaces will support uptake of electric vehicles (FY 21/22)
- Improvements to cycling, walking (shared walk/cycle paths) infrastructure will promote modal shift (Budget: $32M over 10 years - approximately 51% will be subsidised by Waka Kotahi NZ).
- Improvements to public transport options will help to reduce traffic (Budget: $65M over 10 years classified as paid by fare revenue - approximately 51-65% will be subsidised by NZTA).
- Council’s Future Development Strategy will manage urban growth in Nelson over the next 30 years
- The project to develop the new city library will include sustainability and climate change objectives
- Installation of new wells to increase methane captured in landfill. This action will be implemented by the Nelson Tasman Regional Landfill Business Unit (Budget: $2M for York Valley). The identification of new users of methane captured in landfill is directly linked with the previous action of increasing methane captured.
- Council’s Wastewater activity will develop projects to implement outcomes from the emissions reduction investigative work (currently underway) from FY 22/23 till 30/31. (Budget: $1,425,000 through LTP)
Influencing transport emissions/travel demand management
- Travel demand management initiatives (Budget: $1.5M over 10 years). Options to reduce vehicle km travelled will be investigated e.g. car sharing scheme development
- Installation of solar powered compacting bins in public places will reduce servicing requirements and therefore transport emissions (Budget: $160,000 per year for the next 10 years, sourced from the waste account)
- At the point of contract renewal Council will look to achieve a low emission option for public transport. Included in the budget of $65M over 10 years classified as paid by fare revenue (approximately 51-65% will be subsidised by NZTA).
- Council will facilitate higher density housing in areas which are close to where people work and shop, to reduce travel.
- Council will encourage more inner city living and intensification to reduce traffic and congestion.
- Council is developing a Parking Strategy which can encourage more use of public transport and walking/cycling. (Budget estimated: $120,000 from FY 20/21)
Investigating the adoption of new technologies, where safe and effective
- Council is investigating low carbon emissions fuel options (hydrogen, biofuel, etc) as fuel for vehicles
Future Actions
(Budget: Climate Change mitigation $1.239 M over the next 10 years)