This Climate Action Plan brings together all the climate change projects and actions Council is funding over the next ten years, as set out in our Long Term Plan 2021- 31. This Long Term Plan is a significant one for Council’s climate change journey, bringing together work and thinking over many years into our most significant climate change work programme.
Council’s climate change’s journey started many years ago with recognition of the importance of early action to address climate change. In 2008, Council joined Communities for Climate Protection and approved an action plan that outlined the greenhouse gas reduction targets Council wanted to achieve.
Another milestone was the Nelson 2060 Strategy developed by a 24-member mayoral taskforce with extensive community input. It was adopted by Council in 2013. This strategy has a community-led vision for Nelson in 2060 setting out 10 goals to help Nelson achieve that vision, plus ways to measure progress.

Climate action projects
Council's climate change adaptation
Mitigation of community emissions
Community climate adaptation
Contact us
Phone: 03 546 0200
Civic House, 110 Trafalgar St, Nelson
PO Box 645, Nelson, 7040