
Sheet piling - what is it?

10 November 2021

Sheet piling is where large steel beams are pushed or rammed into the ground, to stop an area collapsing when excavation occurs. This is common with many of our projects, including Saxton Creek Upgrade Stage 4.

At the Awatea Place pump station our contractor is installing 12metre sheet piles. These piles will enable the earthworks for the pump station to occur (a large part of the pump station is under the current ground level).

To install the piles, a vibrating head is attached to a digger, and the piles are driven into the ground. This can cause vibrations to the wider area, especially as the ground conditions are rather tough the deeper you go.

We are keeping residents up to date, and we apologise for any disruption that is caused.

Image 1: Driving the piles

Image 2: after excavation

Image 3: Diagram showing sheet piles relative to the pump station