Project updates
Project updates for Awatea Pump Station
As we continue to grow, our Smart Little City needs to grow with it.
The two existing wastewater pump stations in Parkers Road are getting old and won't be able to meet the future needs of the Tahunanui area. They are also very close to homes, with no space to be upgraded to modern standards.
To make sure we can handle our City's future needs, we are building a new pump station at the end of Awatea Place. This pump station will receive wastewater from the whole of the Tahunanui area and will then pump it out to the Airport Regional pump station. From there it goes to the Bells Island treatment plant.
The new pump station will have two large storage tanks for maintenance and overflow management as well as an activated carbon odour control system (to remove unwanted odours). There will be extensive landscape planting around the site to minimise the visual impact of the site.
To connect the new pump station into the wastewater network a larger new pipe will be laid down Parkers Road and Awatea Place. A new pumping main pipe will also be laid from the pump station towards Nelson Airport.
Upgrading our old pump stations will help to prevent future sewer overflows, cater for future development in the area as well as minimising the impact of wet weather events.
project has been able to occur thanks to funding received from Central
Government under the Three Waters Reform Programme. This funding was part of a
Memorandum of Understanding entered into last year to provide immediate COVID stimulus to maintain and improve
water networks infrastructure, and to support a partnership investigating the
reform of local government water service delivery arrangements.