
Placing the box culvert

4 November 2021

Work is progressing well on our Saxton Creek upgrade Stage 4 project.

If you are wondering what is happening behind the fences, then have a look at the images below. Thanks to the sheet piles and whalers (the big steel columns and cross bars that stop the ground collapsing in), our contractor (Downer) has been able to dig down to the required formation level to install the culverts.

That ground was then prepared to make sure it was super stable, and the sections of the box culvert were lowered into place. To show how accurate our contractors are, there is only a 20mm gap between each piece of culvert. These are then grouted to seal the box culvert joints and then backfilling (putting the dirt back in) occurs.

The next step is for the contractor to start work on the intake structure - the entrance part of the culvert where the water enters.