
Work to start in May

21 April 2021

After a couple of delays, the project to replace the pipes under Tosswill Road is now ready to begin.

The project is scheduled to start on 17 May 2021.

Road Closures:

To replace the ageing sewer pipe and to install the stormwater pipe, Tosswill Road will need to be closed.

These pipe upgrades will mean that there will be less maintenance and repairs into future.

The road closure times are as follows:

There will be two stages of work:

Stage One
Description: Stormwater pipe replacement.
Closure Location: Number 32 Tosswill Road to Tosswill/Chamberlain Roundabout.
Date/time: 6:00 am Monday 10 May 2021 to 6:00 pm Tuesday 25 May 2021.

Stage Two
Description: Stormwater pipe, sewer pipe and inlet structure.
Closure Location: Tosswill/Chamberlain Roundabout to Number 41 Tosswill Road.
Date/Time: 6:00 am Wednesday 26 May 2021 to 6:00 pm Friday 16 July 2021.

There will be no vehicle access through the work site during the above times, ordinary traffic will be detoured.

Access will be provided for residents outside of working hours and during the day when it is safe to do so, which may result in delays. The contractor will liaise with residents living within the worksite and manage access to driveways with them.

Pedestrian traffic past the work site will be kept open during both stages of work, but people may have to wait until it is safe for them to walk through.

We would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience and understanding while this work is underway.

Tosswill Closure