
Access up Glider Road during harvesting

27 April 2023

The upgrade of Glider Road is underway ahead of the upcoming harvest in May. As contractors are working on the road, walker/biker and vehicle access will need to be closely managed.

The above map shows initial closures - with detailed information below.

Glider Road

  • Glider Road will be closed on weekdays for the duration of the upgrade. The main closure point will be from the start of the Barnicoat Walkway. At times the closure will be from the main gate.
  • While we are aiming to open Glider Road on weekends, we can not guarantee it as it depends on the work underway. A weekly assessment of Glider Road will occur. This will determine what hazards and risks are present, and if the road can be opened for recreation.
  • Weekend vehicle access of Glider Road will be for approved users only; these would be those in suitable 4WD vehicles utilising radio communications and carrying: a towrope, shovel, first aid kit, fire extinguisher. Though we won’t ordinarily be working weekends, we may still have workers/service agents on site completing maintenance, so it is important all vehicles are travelling with radio communication.
Barnicoat Walkway
  • The Barnicoat walkway will remain open for the duration of harvest (following the reopening of the Piwakawaka track); A link trail from Piwakawaka track to the first skid site has been created, with a fenced-off section alongside Glider Road to the Barnicoat Walkway for walkers to use that keeps them off the main road course. While the Piwakawaka track remains closed, as long as trucking is not occurring out of Glider Road, the Barnicoat Walkway will remain open and can be accessed via the start of Glider Road.

Weekend Access 29/30 April

Unfortunately, due to having trees across Glider Road that we are unlikely to clear prior to the weekend. Glider Road will be CLOSED this weekend (beyond the Barnicoat Walkway). The Barnicoat Walkway will remain OPEN, access is via the start of Glider Road.