
Underpass construction to start next week

3 July 2020

The pathway work around the Princes Drive and Waimea Road intersection are almost complete. This will allow users of the Railway reserve to go around the area where the underpass is being constructed. This underpass work will start next week, as long as the weather plays ball.

While the original plan was for the culvert to be completed by now, the COVID-19 lockdown has significantly delayed this project. We are now also in the winter months, and it makes it challenging to carry out excavation work (for every day of rain we need about 3 days drying before the contractors can dig again).

The COVID-19 lockdown and the wet weather has also had a significant impact on the developers constructing Princes Drive through to the Waimea Road intersection. Council is working with the developer to make sure the works are completed to a high standard, and further delays are likely over winter when wet weather hits. The date for the completion of this works is dependent on the weather.

While this is not a Council Project, it does have an impact on our network and the wider public. We appreciate the patience and understanding shown by Nelsonians as this work is underway.