
Almost complete

4 December 2020

The underpass is now complete. The lights are connected and operational, and guard rails are in position above the underpass.

We are waiting final engineering sign-off, before opening.

Over the last few weeks we've also had a few queries about "flooding" in the underpass.

There are three drainage sumps (chambers with slotted lids designed to drain water) in the underpass area, one at the bottom of each approach and one inside the underpass.

As the site has still been under construction, each of these sumps was currently covered by a filter fabric to stop silt getting into the stormwater system. This filter fabric impedes the flow of rain water into the sumps, but ensures it is clean before it enters the system.

Once the grass has grown sufficiently and we are ready to open the underpass to the public, the filter fabric will be removed and the underpass will be cleaned and ready for use.