
Work underway

5 June 2024

The first section of work was expected to be the most challenging, as the crew dug down to start the work.

Now that has started, our momentum will increase. Residents will start to see the team making their way down the road more rapidly.

On Thursday 6 June 2024, the crew will lay a section of pipe that will require the existing water network to be shut down during the day. This shutdown will allow us to install a temporary overland water main. This will allow water to be provided to homes while we change from the old pipe to the new pipe.

The pipeline is moving towards Harford Court, which will require controlled traffic management as we cross the intersection. Please follow the directions of the team when in this area.

After this section has been finished the team will put the road surface back down. All of the work equipment will then shift forward to the next section.

A big thank you to all the residents for your patience while this work is underway.