
Investigations restart as we shift to Alert Level 3

28 April 2020

Unfortunately, only some of the investigation works were able to be completed in the Gloucester, Konini, Mount Street area before we moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 4.

We have now restarted our investigation works as we’ve moved back to Alert Level 3. Council contractors will be following strict guidelines, to make sure their work bubble is safe.

If you are moving through the worksite, please do not approach the contractors directly.

If contractors need to talk to you then they will do this by dropping a letter in your letterbox and providing a phone number for you to call. If you need to discuss anything please make contact by phone or through our website, details are included at the end of this letter.


  • Multiple small scale excavations in the road and footpath using hydrovac (potholing).
  • Topographical surveying
  • CCTV camera inspections of the pipe networks


  • To measure the depth and location of existing services. This information will be used to design upgrades to the stormwater and water main infrastructure while making the road safer.


  • Approximately 3-4 weeks starting on Wednesday 29 April


  • 30km/hr speed restriction and Stop/Go traffic control will be in place, expect minor delays. Some days the footpath will be diverted onto the road, please show courtesy when driving through the worksite, your patience is appreciated.

You may also get a letter from Nelmac directly with more specific information such as areas which need to be kept clear of vehicles and if access to your driveway is affected.