
Challenging ground conditions extend project

14 August 2024

Work on the Maitai Road slip repairs was progressing well, with concrete L panels recently craned into position.

Unfortunately, the ground conditions under the road meant that it was not possible to anchor the panels securely as expected. This required our engineering experts to design a new solution to make sure that the area could be secured to prevent future damage from occurring.

The solution to this is to drill large anchor bolts 15 metres under the road into solid rock.

This has meant that the project has been delayed while we wait for a contractor with the necessary skills to undertake this drilling operation.

At the same time as the drilling, the steel "railway tracks" will be cut and removed from the water's edge below the slip.

Traffic management (with the lights) will remain in place until this work is complete. We need to make sure the work is complete before it is safe to open this back up to traffic. We understand that the lights can be frustrating, but these have to be timed to allow cyclists to travel through the work area safely.

A big thank you to Maitai Valley residents for their patience while this work is underway.