Project updates

Progress photos

During the August 2022 weather event, there were a number of slips that affected Maitai Valley Road. In one area there were two slips in one location, just past the Nile Street / Maitai Valley Road Intersection.

One slip came down from Botanical Hill onto the road (overslip). The other slip was on the underside of the road, where some of the river bank had slipped into the river (underslip).

Barriers and a temporary footpath were initially installed below the overslip, which narrowed the lane to a single lane.

Fencing is now in place so that the road is now two lanes and the footpath reinstated. Repairs still need to be made to secure this area to reduce the chance of future damage.

The Overslip

The overslip has been continuously monitored and some clean-up work has been completed to remove rock that had fallen. However, large rocks are still falling down behind the temporary fence and need to be secured.

This slip will be remediated with more earthworks and a mesh draped and pinned to the face to prevent more rock fall from landing on the footpath.

The underslip

The underslip is a gabion wall that failed in the weather event and will be replaced with a new gravity block wall.

Detailed designs and resource consent planning is underway for both slips. These are scheduled to be completed during this financial year, after contractor procurement.

That tender will follow Waka Kotahi’s (NZ Transport Agency) procurement policy to make sure we are eligible for transport subsidy.

Construction will occur in the drier months, which will lower the risk to the job (meaning we can get it done faster). Council’s Annual Plan has provided the necessary budget this financial year to complete this work.

Council’s contractors continue to undertake maintenance and monitoring on all surface channels and drainage, and slip faces to ensure these systems and sites are ready if we get more heavy rain.