
Trial closure to continue

1 October 2020

Following today's Infrastructure Committee Meeting (1 October 2020), it was decided to continue the trial closure of Hampden Street (West) for approximately 12 months.

The trial to date has shown a number of positive outcomes, especially relating to safety of pedestrians and cyclists in the area. However, the monitoring of the closure was disrupted by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Extending the trial for a further 12 months will allow more robust data to be collected, so that we can fully understand the outcome of the trial.

During the past 12 months, it has been noted that there has been an increase in vehicle movements in the surrounding streets. To address the concerns raised by the residents of Locking Street, Council will be working with those residents to consider ways to slow down vehicles travelling on their street. Coucnil will be in touch with these residents in the near future.

More information on the trial to date can be read in the report that went to the Committee.