It is managed by the Rutherford and Trafalgar Parks Reserves Management Plan and zoned as ‘Open Space Recreation’ under the Nelson Resource Management Plan, requiring resource consent for housing or commercial activities. It is not classified as a reserve and is not subject to any Public Works Act offer back requirements.

The land contains the Refinery building which, with its garden and parking surrounds, occupies part of the title, as shown in red on the aerial map. The Refinery includes a concrete building facing Halifax Street and a timber annex at the rear. A 2015 seismic assessment rated the concrete building at 11% NBS (IL3), estimated at 23% NBS (IL2). Strengthening it was estimated to cost $1.3 million in 2022. Council is open to refitting, refurbishing, or demolishing and constructing a new building on site.

This area is available for a long-term lease. Council encourages proposals to consider public pedestrian access from Halifax Street to Rutherford Park. The Bridge to Better project will include constructing a new wastewater pump station on the site adjoining the Refinery in the general location of the Citizens Advice Bureau. Significant earthworks and construction activities are due to commence in 2026 and be completed by 2028.