
Investigation work on ring road streets

12 August 2024

From Monday 19 August 2024, work will begin on the investigation work for the water main upgrade on the roads surrounding the city centre. This is part of the wider Bridge to Better project.

Where will this occur? Work will start outside the immediate City Centre in the following areas:

  • Eastern Bridge Street (by Queens Gardens and outside the Police Station)
  • Collingwood Street (outside Dayman's before the Halifax intersection)
  • Halifax Street (outside Lucas House, Glasgow Harley and Impact Church – in the centre of the road / flush medium area)
  • Paru Paru Road (in the right turning lane exiting Paru Paru Road)
  • Rutherford Street (outside former Auction House – middle of the road)

What will be done? Contractors will dig test pits (approx. 1 metre x 1 metre) to check the underground conditions and the location of services such as pipes. An excavator will be used to dig these holes. This work will help us to confirm an appropriate alignment for the new water main pipe.

How long will it take? The work on this area will take 4 to 5 days to complete (weather dependent). It is expected to take 1 day at each test pit location, and if crews are available then two pits will be completed at the same time.

What will the impact be? Traffic management will be in place. Some car parks will be unavailable, as the road lanes will be shifted over to allow the work to occur safely (especially when working in the middle of the road). This work is noisy and we will try to minimise the noise as much as possible.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times, so customers can still properties or businesses.

Please note: There will be no disruption to water, electricity or communications services such as phone and internet, during this work.

Information will be shared on social media and through Antenno.

Further investigation work on Bridge Street is expected to begin at the start of September 2024.