A new street layout for the major Bridge Street infrastructure upgrade has been approved at a full meeting of Council on Thursday, 11 April 2024. This allows the project to progress to the developed design stage.

The two-way option was informed by an extensive six-month engagement campaign with key stakeholders including iwi, Bridge Street businesses and community groups.

The new layout increases the number of people-friendly spaces by reducing the width of the carriageway and increasing the amount of green space. The new road, which removes the kerb to create a flush surface that will be ideal for public events such as festivals, markets, and parades, will have approximately 50% more space dedicated to people with areas for greening and raingardens, seating and outdoor dining.

Two-way option approved for Bridge Street upgrade

Take a closer look at how space could be used on Bridge Street. A reminder that this is not a final concept design, but an indication of how space will be allocated for the new street.

Bridge to Better - Project Updates

Bridge Street today

What could it look like in the future?