
Tahunanui Slump - Resident Update 3

6 September 2022

Kia ora,

Some good news to round off today.

Rocks Road
Geotechnical, building, and service checks have been completed for the properties along Rocks Road. This has meant that some of those properties have had a placard change, from red to yellow or red to white. A big thank you to those residents for your patience and understanding as we worked through this process.

For those properties that remain with a red or yellow placard, please make sure you have spoken with your insurance company to work out your next steps.

With some people moving back into the area, we ask for those residents to please keep an eye out on your neighbouring properties (which have red or yellow placards), and report if you see anything suspicious (dial 111 if it is an emergency or 105 if it is not urgent).

We have extended First Security’s presence in the wider area until the end of this week, as we appreciate the concerns that have been raised. Thank you for letting us know.

Service checks

Service checks are currently underway in the rest of the Tahunanui Slump area. The pipes run through areas which have moved, and so we need to make sure that everything is working as it should. We can’t have people returning to their properties (should it be safe to do so following geotechnical and building checks) without operating water pipes, sewerage, and stormwater pipes.

Resident Meeting

We are now able to confirm the details for the residents meeting:

Date/Time: Thursday 8 September. 5pm

Location: Beachside Nelson Conference Centre, 70 Beach Road.

The Recovery team will be there to provide you with an update, and we will have insurance companies available to answer any questions that you may have. Geotechnical and building experts will be on hand to answer any questions, as well as other support agencies.

We hope that you managed to access your properties yesterday, and we will provide another update when we have more information to share.

Take care.

Ngā mihi,

Nelson Tasman Recovery Team