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Project updates on Toi Toi Street

Toi Toi Street needs an upgrade to make it safer for everyone as traffic volumes have increased in recent times.

Based on the information received in a residents survey in October 2018, this project will look to introduce traffic calming features to reduce speeds and crashes, and to improve connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists.

Information on historical crash data can be seen on:

Initial plans indicate that this could include a new shared path on the southern side of the road, a new footpath on the northern side of the road, and the narrowing of traffic lanes.

We want to find out what the residents of Toi Toi Street think of the proposed plan, and if there is anything they would like to see added or removed from the design.

One suggestion from residents has been the installation of speed humps. In order it install speed humps, it requires 30% of residents to respond in a petition or survey. 75% of those responses need to be supportive of the speed humps before they are considered by Council. Residents of Toi Toi Street can let us know their thoughts on this page.

Depending on the scale of the work required, we may also look to improve some of the stormwater and water pipes in the area too.