
Project complete and the trial begins!

1 May 2024

After a little delay (due to a shortage of green paint!), the construction of the Streets for People project is now complete.

The project aims included:

  • A reduction in vehicle speeds
  • A reduction in the volume of cars using these streets
  • Cleaner air from reduced transport emissions
  • A safer network for people using active modes of travel - walking, cycling etc.
  • A more ‘people-focused’ neighbourhood.

    We are currently measuring the impact of the changes, to see if we have achieved the aim of making these streets safer.
  • The next step is for residents and users of the area to feed back to us. Is there anything not working? Does any thing need to change? What is working well? This feedback can be submitted directly to us through the form on the main page.

    We will look to hold a residents' meeting in the coming weeks to capture your initial feedback. We've already been able to make some immediate changes, including moving planter boxes and concrete separators to make it easier for residents to exit their driveways.