During the August 2022 weather events, multiple slips occurred on the Grampians Reserve. These slips had an impact on both the reserve and private properties.

Work is about to start to remediate these slips, to reduce the chance of negative impacts occurring from future weather events.

Traffic management will be in place in some areas for construction vehicle access.

The remediation work will occur on the below slips:

  • Slip 14 – Tukuka Street (8 July 24)
  • Slip 12 – Allan Street (15 July 24)
  • Slip 18 – Collingwood Street (Winter 24)
  • Slip 12 – Ronaki Track above Ronaki Terrace (Spring 24)
  • Slip 16 – Tawa Track above Endeavour Street (Spring 24)
Grampians Slips

Slip 14 - Tukuka Street

From Monday 8 July, contractors will be working on a slip near the Tawa Track off Tukuka Street.

This will require the closure of the entrances to the Grampians Lower Traverse from Tukuka Street and Oaks Reserve. We thank you for your patience as we undertake this work.

Zoom in of the worksite on Tukuka Street

Slip 12 - Allan Street

Begins on 15 July.

This work will require a number of trucks using Hampden Street. Council have been in communication with the nearby schools, but ask parents to take extra care when in this area.

The work is happening on the Grampians backing onto private property. This part of the project won't require the closure of any tracks or entrance points.

Zoom in of the worksite on Allan Street

Part Three is Slip 18 above Collingwood Street. This will require the closure of the section of Tawa Loop between Collingwood Street and Trafalgar Street South. The entrance points to the Grampians on these two streets will also be closed.

Part Four will include work on Tawa Track above Ronaki Terrace and Endeavour Street. This will require the closure of the Tawa Loop.