Completed speed humps
The speed humps have been installed, and the pathway widened. We will be seeking resident feedback as the trial progresses.
We've been talking to residents on Seymour Street about what we can do to improve safety in their street. Based on their feedback we are looking to trial the installation of four-speed humps along Seymour Ave, between Scotland Street and Brook Street.
The type of speed humps that Council has selected are known as Watts Profile Humps. They will not be used as pedestrian crossing points and do not remove any on-street parking. Similar speed humps are installed on Beatson Road.
The specific locations have been selected based on certain requirements including:
Along with the installation of the speed humps, Council will also be widening the footpath on the Eastern side (tree side) of the street to 3m. This will create a shared path for use by pedestrians and cyclists and create a safe off-road facility for children to cycle to school.
This work is the first stage of upgrading the entire length of Seymour Ave footpath to create an off-road cycling facility from Westbrook Terrace to Willow Walk and Central School.
Council’s contractor has confirmed that they will doing this work in June 2021, and that they will advise residents by letter prior to the construction beginning.