The $40 million, 2km-long Saxton Creek upgrade project, between Champion Road and State Highway 6, is now complete, increasing its ability to handle a 1-in-100-year flood event, up from a 1-in-5-year flood event.
To read about the completion, click here.
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Extreme weather events in December 2011 and April 2013 caused significant flooding to both commercial and residential properties in the Saxton area.
Through the Long Term Plan 2015-25, it was decided that there was an important need to undertake large scale work to minimise the chance of this occurring again.
The Saxton Creek upgrade project looks to address areas of concerns, improving how and where water flows during a major weather event.
See what's changed

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Work undertaken so far
Timeline item 1 - complete
December 2019
The planning for the next stage of works is complete, and construction will get underway in the New Year. This will involve further work in the stream, and the construction of a bridge over the creek on Ngati Rarua Street.
Timeline item 2 - complete
August 2019
Work to construct the channel and bridge at the end of Hill Street North is complete. This new bridge will serve the Summerset Retirement Village.
Construction of the channel between Saxton Field and Ngati Rarua Street will continue this financial year, as the resource consents and landowner agreements allow.
Timeline item 3 - complete
May 2019
One aspect of Stage Three of the project is progressing well. This is the construction of the stream channel and a new bridge at 1 Hill Street. The abutments have been constructed and are curing ready for the bridge beams to be placed. This new bridge is 8.2m wide and 15.5m long and will provide access to the Summerset Retirement village. The project is on track for completion by the end of June.
As Council was able to obtain landowner and resource consent, this aspect of the final stage of the wider project has been able to get underway. Staff are currently working on a resource consent for the rest of the Stage 3 works.
Timeline item 4 - complete
September 2018
Work on Stage 2 of this project has been successfully completed. Resource consents for Stage 3 (between Saxton Field and Ngati Rarua St) are currently being sought so that the creek upgrade works can continue. Consents are expected to be approved by January 2019.
Timeline item 5 - complete
November 2017
The works in Saxton Field are complete, apart from the footpath on the northern side of the pond, which will be constructed over summer. Irrigation will be installed to help with establishing grass and plant growth.
Timeline item 6 - complete
June 2017
Work on the current stage of the upgrade has been progressing well, although wet weather earlier in the year has had a knock-on effect on the timing. Work in the pond is complete and it is now refilling. The pedestrian bridge and box culvert are complete. Downer is currently doing bulk earthworks which will be closely followed by the new footpath installation and landscape planting. Downer expecting to finish the work in August at this stage.
Timeline item 7 - complete
March 2017
The concrete weir is now complete and work has now moved on to the construction of the new box culvert and pedestrian bridge. The bed of the pond has dried out sufficiently to allow it to be excavated out, which will be happening in the coming weeks.
Timeline item 8 - complete
January 2017
The contractor is now back on site and continuing to work on the detention pond spillway.
Timeline item 9 - complete
December 2016
Downer has started work onsite and are making good progress with clearing the vegetation. The pond is being lowered in preparation for the weir construction and removal of sediment from the base of the pond. Work will stop over the Christmas period and start again in the new year. The site will be made safe during this time.
Timeline item 10 - complete
October 2016
Due to a number of factors, the contractor has not yet fully established on site but should be doing so soon and then work can begin as outlined below.
Timeline item 11 - complete
August 2016
Downer NZ will be establishing onsite in early September in preparation for the construction of the next stage of the upgrade. This stage extends from Main Road Stoke upstream to the eastern boundary of Saxton Field and includes the deepening and widening of the creek channel, construction of walkways and landscape planting. The works are expected to last until May 2017.
See the layout plan for this stage here. (2.7MB PDF) -
Timeline item 12 - complete
June 2016
Stage 1 of the work is complete. Construction is expected to recommence on Stage 2 later this year. An update will be provided closer to the time.
Timeline item 13 - complete
May 2016
Donaldson Civil have disestablished their site and the only outstanding work at the gravel trap is some planting and the hand railing, which is still being manufactured offsite.
Downer have finished the shaping and rocking of the channel for the stage 1 works. The next step is to construct the walkway and then spread topsoil ready for planting. Recent rain has made the site wet, so Downer have temporarily halted work. The remaining work will carry on as soon as site conditions allow.
Timeline item 14 - complete
April 2016
Donaldson Civil are nearly finished work on the gravel trap and will be packing up on site in the next week or two. There will be some minor tidy up works required once they leave. This includes the installation of the handrails on the retaining walls which will be completed by a subcontractor. Landscaping will be completed later this year once the Stage 1 works are finished.
Meanwhile Downer NZ have made good progress on stage 1, excavating and rock lining nearly half of the length of this stage of work.
Timeline item 15 - complete
February 2016
Work has now started on the first stage of the Saxton Creek upgrade. This began with clearing the site of vegetation with the main construction to follow. Construction is expected to take 15 weeks. See the plan above.
Work on the gravel trap has taken slightly longer than expected due to the presence of a thick layer of large boulders on site. The new channel between the gravel trap and the Tasman District Council culvert is finished. The rest of the work on the gravel trap and the access track should take between four and five weeks.
Timeline item 16 - complete
January 2016
Work on the channel upstream and down stream of the gravel trap is now complete. Contractors are now building the retaining walls and access track for the gravel trap.
Work is expected to start on Stage One (see plan above) of this project in mid-February. The contractor will be in touch with affected residents before work starts.
Timeline item 17 - complete
December 2015
A 100m section of gravel trap below Champion Road is currently under construction, with completion expected early 2016. Champion Road is currently reduced to one lane while Tasman District Council are working on the culvert upstream. Once the culvert is complete, the disruption on Champion Road will be reduced, but there will still be construction traffic present until the gravel trap works are complete. Pumping of the creek will continue during construction, but the pump will be turned off during weekends where possible, as well as over the Christmas break.
Tenders for the remaining 1.7km of work closed on 15 October, and the tender was awarded to Downer NZ Ltd at the Works and Infrastructure Committee Meeting on 26 November. Downer will start onsite in early 2016 on Stage One of this project.