
Moving eels

29 March 2022

The project has been progressing well, with the culvert work moving across the road and a stormwater diversion pipe installed. This means that if we did have heavy rain before the project is complete, then our site should be able to manage the situation.

A key part of installing the diversion pipe is making sure our aquatic life is looked after. We had to undertake a fish salvage and transfer operation before the diversion pipe was put in place. We knew there was a large population of eels in the stream, and so we needed to move them to a safe alternative location.

The salvage operation took place in the evening at low tide within a two-hour window of sunset, to coincide with peak fish activity.

Staff with spotlights used large hand nets and fyke nets (big nets specifically for eels) to catch the fish. The fish were then transported and released into another Nelson River.

We would like to acknowledge Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Council for the use of their trout hatchery liberation unit.

The environment is challenging to work in, particularly due to tidal influence, large fish and the habitat which provides many places for fish to be concealed.

A big thank you to everyone involved in this successful operation.