
Closing the road

6 September 2021

Depending on the weather, we are planning to close Main Road Stoke on Tuesday 7 September until Thursday 9 September between 7:00 pm and 6:00 am.

The closed section of Main Road Stoke is shown in red on the map. The closure is so that we can install sheet piles - which are metal beams that help stablise an area before construction.

THere will be some access restrictions because of the closure. Access to Elms Street will be available from the Saxton Road Roundabout. Access to Alliance will be from the Salisbury Road Roundabout (vehicles won't be able to drive past the Alliance site).

All businesses in the area will have access from at least one entrance.

No through traffic will be permitted within the closure area. If you are travelling from Stoke to Richmond it is recommended that you use State Highway 6 at this time.

Workers will be making sure the necessary COVID-19 health and safety systems will be maintained.