Road Sweeping in Nelson:

Sweeping our roads in the middle of the day or when traffic volumes are higher (and carparking is more heavily used) means that our sweeping operators are not able to clean our roads efficiently or effectively.

To make sure we keep Nelson looking beautiful (while keeping our crews safe), we have obtained a resource consent to work outside our normal operating hours (RM205196).

What does this mean?:

In some areas, particularly suburban shops, city centres, streets with high parking demand, and areas where there is high leaf-fall in Autumn, sweeping may start in your street from 5:00 am daily.

We are happy to offer earplugs if you think you need these. Earplugs are available free at any of our libraries (Nellie Nightingale in Tahunanui, Stoke Library or Elma Turner Pop-up Library), or our Customer Service Centre.

It is also possible to use white noise which can be used to reduce the impact of background noise.

We will try our best to minimise noise where possible. If you have any concerns, queries or complaints regarding the works, please feel free to call the Nelson City Council Customer Service Centre (03 546 0200). This will be recorded and passed on to our Contractor (Fulton Hogan). Each complaint with then be assessed, and where possible, actions or additional monitoring undertaken to control noise.