
And the rain keeps tumbling down...

12 May 2021

The work to install trial measures on Locking Street has been disrupted by the rain this morning (12 May 2021).

Yesterday Nelmac were able to complete the gardening works on the street, and the asphalt speed cushions were scheduled to be installed today. Unfortunately, the rain has pushed this out until tomorrow when the weather is looking a bit better.

Thanks to the residents for your patience while this work is underway, and we hope these changes will improve safety on Locking Street.

When to expect the changes:

Locking Street and a section of Kawai Street between Locking Street and Hampden Street will be closed between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on the 11 and 12 May 2021 (note: now 13 May due to rain). The pedestrian connections to Renwick Place and Mount Street via walkways will remain open.

What these changes mean for you:

As residents of the area, we encourage you to use these streets as you normally would. Please continue to be positive role models for how to behave in a shared zone. This means stick to the speed limits, “share with care” and communicate with other roads users respectfully so that we keep each other safe and improve the liveability of the street.

You will see “No through route” signage, this is the same messaging that was already there, it’s just been reworded for clarity. This messaging is aimed at road users who are ‘rat-running’ down Locking Street and Kawai Street. Residents of Locking Street, Locking Terrace, Kawai Street, Hampden Street and Hampden Terrace and their visitors are within their rights to use these streets.