Submissions for the Waste Plan open 1 February

A new waste plan for our region – help us become ‘waste free together’

Councils are required (under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008) to have a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (Waste Plan), and review the plan every six years.

This Waste Plan is a regional strategic document that provides direction for how we avoid and reduce waste and carry out effective waste management.

Our current Waste Plan is shared with Tasman District Council and was last adopted in 2019 (Click here). We have reviewed this plan, and have carried out a range of pre-engagement to help inform the development of a new draft Waste Plan, which is ready for public consultation.

This consultation process seeks your views on the draft Waste Plan, including our proposed vision, targets and goals, our focus areas and priority types of waste, and whether we should be increasing services to achieve these goals.

Reducing waste can help us all save money (by reducing the amount of rubbish being disposed of), prolongs the life of our landfills (with less waste being disposed of), and is better for the environment (reduces greenhouse gas emissions).

Submit your thoughts on our draft Waste Plan now, to help us shape the strategic direction for managing waste in our region.

Public Information: All feedback (including your name and contact details) will be provided to Council officers for administration and analysing feedback, and to those who are involved in any decision-making for this project.

All feedback, including submitters names (unless you request otherwise), but not contact details, may be publicly available online. Note: Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and a request for official information may cover your feedback, including your address and other contact details.

Waste Triangle - Reduce, reuse, recycle