
Brook Street Reseals

10 December 2024


Date: Monday 20 January to Wednesday 29 January 2025

Time: 7:00 am and 6:00 pm

There is a detailed and complicated traffic management plan in place to ensure that residents along Brook Street, Wesbrook Terrace, all the side streets, and further down the valley will have access to their properties.

eBus users: The eBus will be replaced with Sprinters for the duration of the work. There will be bus stop closures while contractors are working on that section of the road.

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 – Monday 20 January 2025

The first part of this project will be the resealing of Brook Street and Larges Lane. For this work to be done in an efficient and timely manner, Westbrook Terrace will be turned into a two-way street.

For the duration of this work, we request that residents on Westbrook Terrace, Brook Street and Larges Lane please refrain from parking their vehicles on the street.

Brook St reseal map 1


TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 – Dates to be confirmed

The next roads to reseal include the western side of Betsy Eyre Park. Southbound traffic (towards Codgers) will be required to drive the opposite way around Betsy Eyre Park.

Northbound traffic (towards the city) will detour over Robinson Road. During this period there will a resident only access to Brook Street, all other traffic will continue to travel along Westbrook Terrace.

Brook street reseal map 2


The third section to be resealed is the eastern side of Betsy Eyre Park. Southbound traffic will use Blick Terrace to connect to Brook Street. Northbound traffic will detour over Robinson Road. During this period there will be resident only access to Brook Street, all other traffic will continue to travel along Westbrook Terrace.

Brook street reseal map 3


The final stage is resealing Westbrook Terrace. The flow of traffic will again change, with Brook Street becoming a two-way street.

For the duration of this work, we request that residents and visitors of Brook Street refrain from parking their vehicles on Brook Street. The full width of the street will be required for the reseal.

Brook street reseal map 4


If your vehicle is parked in the way, it will be towed to Betsy Eyre Park. Should your vehicle be moved and not returned to its original location, please check nearby streets first before ringing the Council.

What access will be available during this time?

Road closures will be in place to allow the work to occur. Delays are likely. Vehicle access for residents, couriers and home help will be available where possible. Pedestrian and cycle access will be provided. In the case of an emergency, essential services will be given priority. If you are expecting a delivery or have a tradesperson needing access, we will navigate them through the work site. Rubbish collection and recycling will continue as usual.

If you have any questions or there is anything we need to be aware of, please contact:

Nelson City Council - Ph: 03 546 0200 or Fulton Hogan Nelson - Ph 03 547 9789