
Work continues in the background

7 May 2021

Work continues as we investigate the alternatives to the current location of the Nelson North Wastewater Treatment Plan, currently positioned next to the Boulder Bank. While alternative options may not be able to be implemented straight away, this consent will start the process to find the best solution for Nelson’s future.

How is the best solution for the future determined?

This involves weighing up the pros and cons of a range of alternatives against cultural, social, environmental, technological and economic considerations. The outcome of this assessment will be to determine the “best practicable option” for our community and the receiving environment (Tasman Bay).

Who are we talking to?

Throughout the lifecycle of the project, Nelson City Council will work with our Iwi partners and key stakeholders to ensure that their views and values are integrated into the Project. The wider community can receive updates through this page, Our Nelson newsletter or social media.

What is the catchment for the NWWTP treatment plant?

Sewage from Stoke and Tahunanui is treated at the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit treatment plant on Bell Island and discharged into one of the main channels of the Waimea Estuary on the outgoing tide.

Fish processing water from industries on the Port Nelson reclamation is screened by these industries and discharged beyond the Boulder Bank into Tasman Bay. The Council owns, operates and maintains this outfall and the industries pay all the costs of it.

Effluent from the remainder of the city is treated at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Wakapuaka before being discharged into Tasman Bay.

What aspects are Council considering?

In addition to statutory considerations such as the Resource Management Act (2002) and the Pouhere Taonga Act (2014) Council will also investigate a range of additional factors that will have an impact on the long term strategy for the plant.

  • The effects of sea-level rise
  • Overland flooding during storm events
  • An increase in periods of drought
  • Other natural hazards such as earthquake, liquefaction and tsunami
  • Councils commitment to reduce Carbon emissions
  • Population growth of the Nelson region over the next 30 years
  • Planned refurbishment of the Atawhai rising main (pipe that feeds sewage to the NWWTP)
  • Boulder Bank heritage and enhancement of the Wakapuaka flats
  • Water supply demand and trade waste management

We want to hear from you

A collective key stakeholder meeting was held on 17th November 2020. The project team continues to have individual meetings with organisational stakeholders.

If you have any questions about the project or would like to meet with the project team, please email us at or call 03 546 0200 and leave a message for the Project Manager Helen Brown.