Poorman Valley Stream - Stories of the Awa

The Healthy Streams team is building a digital story map for Poorman Valley Stream to capture some of the histories and memories of this special place. To help us breathe life into the collection, we are asking for your contributions in the form of stories, images, and recollections to add to the Poorman Valley Stream Story Map that will go live at the end of 2021.

You can either:

  • Come to Stoke Library and pick up a form to write your recollection on (it can be as short as a paragraph or as long as you wish), or to place your photograph or image on. The library staff will then help you to scan this into our system so we can add it to the map and print off a copy for you.
  • Email us your recollection to us at healthy.streams@ncc.govt.nz, or add your story online using the map below. If your story is longer than the space allows – get in touch to share any other details.
  • Some stories are already on display at Stoke Library, so come along and see what other people have added.

Share your stories of Poorman Valley Stream

5 contributions so far
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