Roding Freshwater Management Unit

The Roding River is a tributary of the Lee River in the Waimea/Wairoa catchment, flowing through Tasman District to the sea at the Waimea Inlet. The upper catchment of the Roding is within Nelson City Council jurisdiction, and the majority of the catchment in NCC control is native forest, tussock grassland and production forestry. The catchment is managed for municipal water supply purposes, contributing to Nelson City and Richmond town water supply.

There are no sub-catchments in the Roding FMU.

Very little water quality monitoring information is held by Council about the Roding FMU. However some data collected through resource consents monitoring and by Tasman District Council shows that faecal coliform levels are low, ecosystem health indicators are good and that while there is some periphyton growth (indicating elevated nutrient levels), macro-invertebrates are usually in a good state. Among other values, the FMU is identified for its natural state, form and character, community water supply, and relatively unmodified habitat that supports trout including spawning.

Draft vision statement for Roding: