Nelson has a sheltered marina, with ready access to the waters of Tasman Bay and the Marlborough Sounds. It has a range of facilities for users to enjoy, including haul-out and repair facilities.

Nelson City Council is proposing to change the fees and charges for marina services for 2021/22 (starting July 2021).

We would like to hear from the community what they think about these proposed changes, which are based on a CPI (consumer price index) rise -

We will be receiving your feedback from 12 February to 12 March 2021. Feedback can be provided:

  • Online on this page
  • By post to Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson 7040
  • By dropping off to Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
  • By dropping off to the marina office
  • By calling Council on 546 0200

Proposed fees:

Copies of the proposal for the changes is also available at Council’s Customer Service Centre (110 Trafalgar Street) and at the Nelson Marina Office.

All feedback is required by 5pm on 12 March 2021.

The fees and charges for the marina will be reviewed in detail in 2021/22. This may result in further proposed changes to fees and charges for marina users.

Council will keep users informed of this, and carry out further consultation as required prior to setting fees.