Following a Registration of Interest process which took place at the end of last year, Kiwi Cash Limited (trading as Penny) has been determined as the preferred party to lease the Maitai Valley Motor Camp (MVMC).

The Maitai Valley Motor Camp is located on Recreation Reserve, therefore notice is given pursuant to Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977 of the proposed lease of the Maitai Valley Motor Camp to Kiwi Cash Limited (trading as Penny). The public notice is on this page.

The proposed lease has an initial term of five years with one right of renewal of five years and if approved we anticipate the lease will commence on or about the 01 July 2025.

The annual rent will comprise a base fee of $40,000 + GST (subject to review) or 9.75% of gross income – whichever is the higher amount.

Existing improvements located at the Campground will remain in the ownership of Council. A draft copy of the Deed of Lease is attached but some clauses may still be subject to amendment through on-going negotiations.

Penny is a New Zealand owned company, established by Chris Wagner in 2016 and currently oversees or directly manages 24 sites across New Zealand. Services provided range from full park and campsite management through lease and license agreements to the supply of management systems, pay-to-use services and freedom camp monitoring in New Zealand.

These sites include National Park Village Park and Ride (NZ’s biggest park and ride), full operation of campsites (including Lake Ferry Holiday Park for South Wairarapa District Council) and a range of other sites ranging from shower payment to digital donation boxes.

Penny’s strategic vision is to operate the MVMC as a traditional campground using modern technology. The intention is to install its own booking and payment system, access control, security, health and safety monitoring and online property management systems. For example, self-service devices would be installed whereby guests could book and manage their stay through the Penny App.

Penny has advised that existing key staff c at the campground will be retained, providing continuity and security to the existing Long Term Occupants. The Campground Manager will live off-site but will be supported by staff living onsite in the residential accommodation, ensuring a presence at the MVMC 24 hours a day.

Penny has also advised that it will work with local businesses and community groups such as the Waahi Taakaro Golf Club, Nelson Mountain Bike Club, bike hire operators and others to utilise the MVMC as a base for activities. The intention is to raise the camp profile and increase visitor numbers year-round.

If the Lease is approved Penny have confirmed there will be no significant infrastructure/operational changes, but they will build on the recent upgrades implemented by Council and look forward to getting to know the community.

Any person wishing to make a submission or objection on this proposal should do so in writing to Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson, 7040 or through this Shape Nelson page.

Submissions or objections must be received no later than 5:00 pm on Monday 17 March 2025. 

The Council’s Hearings Panel will convene on Wednesday 2 April 2025 to hear any submitters and objectors who wish to present oral submissions or objections. Please confirm in your written submission or objection if you wish to be heard. 

Public information:

All submissions (including your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration and analysing feedback, and to those who are involved in decision making on the consultation.

All submissions, including submitter names (unless you request otherwise) but not contact details, will be publicly available online. The body of your submission and any attachments will not be checked for personal information, and it should be assumed that anything included in these will be made public.

Note, Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and a request for official information may cover your submission, including your address and other contact details.

  • Previous information

    Previous information relating to the expressions of interest